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What grinds your gears?

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^ haha! i hate that as well

When you assume something but it turns out that the assumption is wrong...

when you are writing a message on the forum and that meanwhile somebody else post one before you...and so you have to modify all your post because it doesn't make sense anymore  :sweatdrop:

Sailor Yue-chan:

--- Quote from: Tatasenko on August 28 2006, 07:04 am ---when somebody blames me for something i haven't done  :dodge:

--- End quote ---
i know exactly how you feel :dodge:

trying to grocery shop and their restocking, filling the isles with huge pallets...and moving things on a cart with VERY SQUEEKY WHEELS!!!! (have i mentioned that i hate loud obnoxious noises?)

when someone you love doesn't love you back :(

My fil classmates who tease me and my american friends for speaking english really well...>O< They're just jealous....TTOTT


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