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What grinds your gears?

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^ You can add to that people who act like they don't like you one bit, yet expect too much from you to the point of servitude of sorts. My former boss was like that, so if they act nicely when I visit them I might wallop their pressure points and stuff.

i hate homophobic!!!
i hate labels T_T###
i hate people that is always telling how much they know..and always rasing their hand in the class even they don't know the answer...trying to pretend that they know everything..
i hate vegetables!!!
i hate people that are always talking about how great they are.. and how cool they are, and that they meet "xx artist" other worls.. narcissist >_>..
I hate people that pretend something else
i hate drive while is raining
i hate hot weather
i hate where  i live
i hate while sombody in a car accident.. many people goes to see the one that it was a circus and he was the principal attraction or something -.-*..they even carry their children so they could see him better *vein*-- grr,,and they are such a botter...when the paramedics tried to help (in case he is still alive)..they don't let to make their job cuz they are too close to the victim >_<!! what's wrong with that people!!

--- Quote from: VexNet on April 23 2006, 04:55 am ---I hate smokers.
--- End quote ---
you hate me then ?? >_>

Wheee...I have some pet peeves.

I hate it when people misuse acronyms, particularly when people are redundant and say things like "ATM machine." ATM stands for Automatic Teller Machine, so you don't need to add "Machine" to the end. That's why there's an "M." Similiarly people saying "PIN number." PIN = Personal Identification Number.

People smoking in expensive or nice cars. Why not just take some art and spit on it? Considering what you're doing to the value of the car, you might as well.

I hate driving. All forms. Driving is a huge burden to me, despite it's many benefits. (I don't mind when most other people drive, I just don't like doing it myself).

Adding to that, stupid and dangerous drivers give me mental breaks.

Busy work for school. ::daggers::

Intolerance or purposeful ignorance. Especially degrading others on the basis of race, religion, or sexual orientation. Generalizations usually upset me as well (which is funny, because this list is full of them).

Napoleon Dynamite.

People thinking you're beneath them because you live by standards. (i.e. I don't swear, so I must be naive. I don't drink, so I must be a stick in the mud, etc.)

Substituting religion for logic in places where it is inappropiate and imposing on the rights of others to use religious justification for action.

When foods spell it "creme" and then expect you to pronounce it "cream." "Creme" is French, if you didn't want it pronounced the French way, spell it "Cream." (creme savors, raspberry creme soda, etc. Look at the package next time.)

People feeling offended when you have a minor difference of opinion ("I loved that movie! What did you think?" "I didn't like it very much." "How could you not like it?" "The humour was too crude for my taste, I guess." "But it was a really good movie!" "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, that's good for you." "You're stupid if you didn't like that movie." "Come again?" "I can't believe how dumb you are!" o.0 )


i hate people just don't know anything but pretends to know everything and then tries to fit in
i hate people that abandon their friends so "she" could stay in the group -_-+
i hate people who ignores
i hate  lacking of sleep
i hate people who judges a person from the outside not the inside.

Ying Hua:
When someone insults Syaoran, or else flames him or keeps saying that he/she hates the love of my life... Grr...


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