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What grinds your gears?

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--- Quote from: Tatasenko on September 05 2006, 03:38 am ---so it was you???i accepted your email but since nobody was connected i didn't know who was this mystery person :keke:!
i'm so happy to count you among my close friends now :wink:

--- End quote ---

tehehehe. YAY! i can't wait to talk to u. i haven't been on msn in a while now coz i just can't be bothered going on. plus there are some weird ppl on my msn list. :tongue3:

i hate my fringe (or "bangs" if you're use to using that term).... i sooo need a haircut but i can't be bothered getting one :tongue3:

Sailor Yue-chan:
msn storage for groups <.<

die stupid disease >___<""

my mum's long lectures on how crap my life is...

People who are late for everything! XD For instance, I just moved and the movers were late to pick my stuff up, they were late to drop it off, then the cable people were late to set up a time, then when they set it up, THEY were late for THAT.. Then, when I had to change my phone number, due to some service thing I had to wait two weeks for THAT... (That last one wasn't a person's fault, that was a contract thing.. But it was still late!) Then when I have to go to things with family members, they're always late..

So yesh. Everyone around me has been late for everything lately. And it grinds my gears.

EDIT: Time for irony! I just discovered yesterday was Jeannette's birthday. So of course, the one time I'm late for something, it's something important! WHY?!? WHY?!?!? Wait.. I couldn't do anything.. It was the cable guy's fault.. I'll blame him! XD Yeah.. See?!? That's why me no likey lateness! If that guy came a week ago like he was supposed to, I coulda bugged Jeannette allll day but noooo!!! Ha! ^_^


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