General Discussions > The "What" Board

What grinds your gears?

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^ oh i hate that as well

i hate pimples!!!!

Sailor Yue-chan:
when your in a video/electronics store and idotis decide to amp up the subwoofers to high, POUNDING RAP MUSIC. whilst having a migraine >_<


--- Quote from: Super Sailor Yue on September 15 2006, 03:05 pm ---when your in a video/electronics store and idotis decide to amp up the subwoofers to high, POUNDING RAP MUSIC. whilst having a migraine >_<

--- End quote ---

Heh. Must be the same person who drives around in my neighborhood doing the same thing at 3 am in the morning  :angry:

...This officemate keeps ranting about why I have to change the desktop's wallpaper.

I hate when people go againts my opinion in abrupt way


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