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What grinds your gears?

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people going blank and unresponsive in the middle of a conversation

when i wake up in a happy mood and that one abrupt sentence of my grandmother shatter all my day  :dodge:

Sailor Yue-chan:
damn sudden drops in atmospheri pressure. this wacky weather, hot one day, cold the next...this is the 2nd nosebleed in a week!

when i think that many people would be more happy without me but that i want to keep living in spite of i selfish  :(?

Sailor Yue-chan:

--- Quote from: Tatasenko on October 22 2006, 08:29 am ---when i think that many people would be more happy without me but that i want to keep living in spite of i selfish  :(?

--- End quote ---
only a little. i feel that way sometimes myself. the only thing that makes me want to live is that i dont want anyone to fell like i felt in feb of 2004 when a "friend" of mine faked his suicide <_<


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