General Discussions > The "What" Board

What grinds your gears?

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Yummy Candy Bear:

--- Quote from: Tatasenko on October 22 2006, 08:29 am ---when i think that many people would be more happy without me but that i want to keep living in spite of i selfish :(?

--- End quote ---
No you're not. Your life is in your hand and no one can make you die or live. It all depends on you. " many people " not everyone. Try to find one person yeah just one person that cares and loves you. It's not worth dying when you have someone still loves you. Everybody have right to live. 
For me:
people who always complain about others. They suck.

thank you Super Sailor Yue and Yummy Candy Bear for your comfort,it's so hard to live somewhere i don't want to and so to bother involuntarily a person i care just because i don't have yet enough money to buy me a apartment  :(...

....Air conditioning! :XD:

when i try to be kind,helpful,and thoughtful,and that in exchange i only earn indifference,repulsion and hostility  :dodge:

Mobile banking! And slow internet connections! :XD:


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