General Discussions > The "What" Board

What grinds your gears?

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Sailor Yue-chan:
living near people who buy firecrackers. (these kids got those rock thingies that you throw to the ground and they go SNAP!) plus i now live near people hwo use them on july 4th. =_=

I hate it when people say that you should tell the truth and they won't get mad... but when you tell the truth, they still get mad... (Liars!) Geez.. whats the point?  >:(

Sailor Yue-chan:
ah. my mom does that all the time. once she told me "if the disk got broken, jus ttell me. i wont get mad" then later she yells at me "i'd play that disk, but YOU broke it!" god, did she haveta rubb it in my face? >_<

yeah my mom is getting out of my nerves D:
and people that don't leave me alone..
<_<!! i need my space!
stop breathing my air!!

Sailor Yue-chan:
when my mom plays the "older sibling was better than you" card =__= so what if if my older sister could take care of an autistic kid all by her self. IM NOT HER!! (for example)
my mom comapirng me to 7 yearolds on super nanny cleaning up the house, when im not so un-messy =__= eesh.


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