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What grinds your gears?

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Rain! I hate being rained upon while on the road! (I had several accidents due to slipping on wet surfaces no matter how slow I run.)

You been downloading for hours now and finally finishes... but then its a corrupt file!  Aaaargh... I have to download the stupid thing all over again..  :BangHead:


--- Quote from: G_chaN on August 01 2007, 06:58 pm ---You been downloading for hours now and finally finishes... but then its a corrupt file!  Aaaargh... I have to download the stupid thing all over again..  :BangHead:

--- End quote ---
Been there so many times it's not even funny.

What's even worse is when you download a massive game or something for hours, and then you realize... you got the wrong game! That makes you feel even worse. XD


--- Quote from: Takeru ¥amamoto on August 02 2007, 11:28 am ---What's even worse is when you download a massive game or something for hours, and then you realize... you got the wrong game! That makes you feel even worse. XD

--- End quote ---

Yup.. been there too.. *sigh*
It's really frustrating... -_-

Kasawa Lanford:
What grinds my gears? Having my friends tell me how to do one thing without making an example.... (there are times when I need an example in order to either understand something, or to do something)


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