General Discussions > The "What" Board

What grinds your gears?

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I hate voicemail. Listening to it, leaving it, all of it.

I hate doing laundry.

I hate sexism and heterosexism.

It annoys the hell out of me when people, instead of facing their heterosexism, draw confusing, convoluted lines to justify their heterosexism.


--- Quote from: Time-Machine on April 26 2006, 03:45 pm ---Wheee...I have some pet peeves.

--- End quote ---

I don't have pet peeves, I have major psychotic hatreds.

I hate people who have lots of time on their hands and try to ruin other people lives.

People who hate other people because of one simple thing

I hate that my mother doesn't want to get the computer fix, and have internet on it, also get cable MOM. I"m at my dads right now >_<

Aslo, I hate, hate, hate, my brother for what he is doing to me and my family, and also to every one else!!


--- Quote from: Jeannette on April 27 2006, 04:08 am ---I hate voicemail. Listening to it, leaving it, all of it.

I hate doing laundry.

I hate sexism and heterosexism.

It annoys the hell out of me when people, instead of facing their heterosexism, draw confusing, convoluted lines to justify their heterosexism.

--- End quote ---





I've never met anyone else who hates voicemale. Kudos for that.

I hate people who hate things ((like certain harmless lifestyles)) with no valid reason to hate them.

My reason is because their hatred for the lifestyle is reflected on the people who practice it because a person's lifestyle is a very deep part of them. Thus, the person has to feel the hatred, only for being different.


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