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What grinds your gears?

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--- Quote from: AkaiYuki on April 27 2006, 06:57 am ---I hate people who hate things ((like certain harmless lifestyles)) with no valid reason to hate them.

My reason is because their hatred for the lifestyle is reflected on the people who practice it because a person's lifestyle is a very deep part of them. Thus, the person has to feel the hatred, only for being different.

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^ True, true...

my old pc because it always gets in the way whenever i try something new like making animations


--- Quote from: Time-Machine on April 26 2006, 03:45 pm ---Napoleon Dynamite.

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I hate...I have heaps...



Emo's (maily the ones that are doing it to fit in)

People that whine over the dumbest things

People that brag about how great they are or about everything

Those girls that think theyre better then everyone else and dress all revealing like

People that look at you like your beneath them

People that copy you and get all the complients/ credit *grrr...*

Talking on the phone or answering (im more of an SMS person)

People who try to be what their not

This list of things that piss me off

People who interrupt me while im doing something

people who follow me around (I dont want to be the leader!)

being ignored

phew...I think thats all

- Other drivers on the road being complete idiots. I have recently leanrt to drve, so I'm pretty new to it all. I'm fine until some boy racer thinks he can overtake me at 100mph on a tight bend. It really annoyes me!! its so unsafe and scary!

- When you talk really seriously, pouring out true feelings and heartfelt words, and no one will take you seriously...

- Nagging. I can't stand people nagging me. asking me, fine, telling me, hmmm ok, but nagging me constantly? ugh, that really ticks me off.

- Homophobia. it upsets me ;__;

- When people decided they hate me after knowing me for a whole 2 seconds. That is just not fair.

Right now I hate seeing my precious work and ideas disappearing.


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