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What grinds your gears?

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Lately I've been annoyed by hypocrites and my job is full of them. My managers always yell at me when I talk too much, but when they do it it's alright  -_-

You know what grinds my gears?

When you're driving and you're trying to make a lane change and someone in the lane you're changing into ZOOMS up so you can't change lanes... I HATE that! It happened to me TWICE today! >_<


--- Quote from: moezy-chan on May 07 2006, 03:05 am ---Lately I've been annoyed by hypocrites and my job is full of them. My managers always yell at me when I talk too much, but when they do it it's alright  -_-

--- End quote ---

Thta's why I left my former job... They act like know-it-alls and contradict your every suggestion and activity, but they expect you to follow their's.

What grinds my gears? Eh... flaws and mistakes can hopefully be fixed, but...

- when people barge in and talk to the person you're talking to/ interrupting
- when I'm constantly ignored and pushed aside.
- when people try to act superior
- when people are competitive with me (I get reaaaallly angry)
- when people say something embarassing about you in front of a lot of people (For example: Person - "you know your fly is down?")
- when people don't have common sense
- when people think everything is complicated
- when people hold a grudge against a stupid thing
- when someone gets angry at you because you aren't capable of doing something
- when teachers favour students
- when people say, "you have dandruff in your hair"
- when people aren't considerate of giving back to the people that helped them
- when my parents try to get me into "the latest trends"
- when my sister points out every little mistake I have and makes me feel like the worst person in the world

Møon Li:
Neurotic people :XD: or people that judge... oh and the unpolite people hehe, speacially men!


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