General Discussions > The "What" Board

What grinds your gears?

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My s****d  math teacher :angry:

i used a homework extension
and she said she won't accept my homework beacuse i gave it to a sub....  :confused:

Feeling sick and sleepy at work

I hate it when people refer to me and women my age as 'girl.' I'm not a girl, dammit, I'm a woman. I voted in the last election. I am NOT a girl. Do not refer to me as such.

I hate it when people use the phrase 'have balls.' Yes, it sounds funny and cute, but bravery and boldness have nothing to do with having a penis, thank you very much.

Rika Iiyumi:
my sister -grumbles unintelligibly-

people calling me a sir

it makes me feel old, and it's irritating


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