General Discussions > The "What" Board

What grinds your gears?

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Not being able to draw humans at all. -_- (Not even chibi. I just don't see why I can't?!)

*cracks knuckles* What grinds my gears...

-Homophobes...My friend said something the other day, which was a nice reply to people who believe homosexuality is wrong because their religion states it is: If God hadn't wanted there to be gay people, there wouldn't be gay people.

(Hear, hear.)

-People who use you, and put you down on purpose. I had a friend in Year Seven who I loathe now. She always put me down, and treated me badly...I got really bad headaches, and she kept telling me to 'Stop putting it on. Grow up'. I soon shut her up when I collapsed with blood clots on the brain. I hate people like that.

-People who look down their nose at you.

-PEOPLE WHO SPEAK IN EXCESSIVE TEXT SPEAK. ALL THE TIME. In text messages, I can understand...I use text speak in text messages, but if you're writing online would it KILL YA to use proper English once in a while? Man. (I spelling and grammar alarm in my head. I immediately pick out bad spelling and grammar in anything, and my head practically melts at text speak...haha....)

-The One Piece dub. (...Nothing against the voice actors themselves, but I don't think 4Kids cast them well at all...which reminds me...)


...That's all I can think of for now. Luckily I didn't go off on my rant about 4Kids...I am terrible for ranting. I rant A LOT about things that annoy me. ...I really should stop that.

I hate Cheerleaders(Too happy)
The heat/sun
And people who never shut up and they think they know all about me by the way I dress.

- I hate it when people tell they'll do something and then they never do. Like they say they'll call you, so wait but then they never call. grrr...
-I hate it when people block the intersections so then you can't go because other people weren't paying attention. its sooooo annoying.
-People who think their better than you.


--- Quote from: Kuro-puppy on May 12 2006, 02:23 pm ---people calling me a sir

it makes me feel old, and it's irritating

--- End quote ---

Hai, hai. I feel the same too, especially when I'm with my sister and everyone thinks I'm her father XD. But if it's my girlfriend I'm with, it's OK; she's a bit older but my looks make me more mature (check our pic somewhere in this forum).


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