General Discussions > The "What" Board

What grinds your gears?

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--- Quote from: Becster on May 13 2006, 06:27 am ----Homophobes...My friend said something the other day, which was a nice reply to people who believe homosexuality is wrong because their religion states it is: If God hadn't wanted there to be gay people, there wouldn't be gay people.

--- End quote ---
amen >( _ _ )<

people who abuse of could be a tiny winy thing that they have the control.. but they abuse so much of it and  sometimes hurt other people to make other look lower..--

for example the proffesor in charge of the clinics....he is such a best he does thing cuz he feel like doing them.. and he controls the headmaster as well... if he feel like we will fail our test.. he makes us fail it.. and we can do nothing about it u_u'..

my mother hogging the pc

Hayfever! Have to get some antihistamines (sp?) tomorrow! I keep sneezing, so annoying.

Little Wolf:
I hate what I'm currently feeling... don't ask. *blushes*

When my family members are so disapproving and unsupportive of what I like...

When I know I shouldn't like someone but can't stop (sounds stupid, I know)

When I worry about something so small

When I try to fit in...

When I like someone who likes someone else :cries:


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