General Discussions > The "What" Board

What grinds your gears?

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I don't like getting hurt emotionally ;_;

--- Quote from: Little Wolf on May 22 2006, 09:00 am ---I hate what I'm currently feeling... don't ask. *blushes*

--- End quote ---
Oh? What's Little Wolf Feeling?

people that can't read and understand a sarcastic comment when they see it (or has already been pointed out as a sarcastic comment)

I am in a good mood today, so now I hopefully will be able to answer without getting upset. Let's see... (in no particular order):

* shots, canyls... Basically everything pointy.

* being allergic to dogs. I love animals!

* when people dress their little girls up like they were dolls, all pink and cutesy, and boys sterotypically boyish, and treat them like they actually came from Venus and Mars, respectively.

* my computer. 'Nuff said.

* fanatics, be it religious or whatever. Especially when they (try to) ban things. Do they want to go back to the Dark Ages, or what? :dodge:

* liver steak. I have traumatic memories from my days in middle school.

* when people sneeze and cough in the palm of their hand - it's so gross!

* and, above everything else, I hate second-hand smoke.

doctors and their needles...  :dodge:
Show contentI've had some bad childhood experiences with doctors and them sticking me with needles... This time they poked me five times in the arm because they said they couldn't find my veins...  -_-

Medication that is supposed to help and it does nothing



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