General Discussions > The "What" Board

What grinds your gears?

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--- Quote ---* when people sneeze and cough in the palm of their hand - it's so gross!
--- End quote ---
o.o what do they sneeze/cough into then? the air? your sleeve? x_x not every carries a hankerchief, I don't even own one.

Lately I've been annoyed by my mom. She doesn't believe me when I say something, but when someone important on the media says the same thing I say, she'll believe them, and then lie saying that I never told her this. So I get upset when people don't take my advice into account but believe someone important or famous.  -_-

Amazon taking over a week to deliver my Tsubasa books, but yay they're here now! *runs off to read them*

Running out of internet load.


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