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What grinds your gears?

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Getting my hopes up only to be let down.

Sailor Yue-chan:

--- Quote from: wishingstarx on May 23 2006, 06:24 am ---doctors and their needles...  :dodge:
Show contentI've had some bad childhood experiences with doctors and them sticking me with needles... This time they poked me five times in the arm because they said they couldn't find my veins...  -_-
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i know how you feel. thats how i discovered i was alergic to lauging gas
--- Quote from: Cherry-chan on May 22 2006, 09:52 am ---When my family members are so disapproving and unsupportive of what I like...

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my moms like that alot >_>
--- Quote from: VexNet on May 23 2006, 11:08 pm ---o.o what do they sneeze/cough into then? the air? your sleeve? x_x not every carries a hankerchief, I don't even own one.

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i think what he meas is that they dot wash their hands after wards. i cough into my fist and sneeze into my shoulder.

other things that anoy me is that my mom doesnt want me to have any net friends, especialy a freind in england...i had an email for my birthday there last year, and for somet reasone she thinks that im buying stuff from england...wierd.

also when my mom tells me to do something, i do it, and she says "i didnt tell you to do that" or she isnt happy with how i did it...

I hate that money is sometimes an issue and stops me from truly living life to its fullest potential.
I hate drama!!!
I hate how the career I have chosen is so competitive that, I might not make it.
I hate being stuck in an elevator lol oy that was fun

I hate people who seem so kind and then you realize that they're only a liers
but the thing I most hate is being at school during a course with a really good friend and when I back from summer holydays, that friend doesn't mind me...I don't exist for them!
it's hurting, and I've passed this 3 times...I really mind my friends...but then I feel like a "cleenex"

Knowing that you have a project, and its a big project that must be done, but you can't find what you need, and you can't do it, and its worth alot of your mark o.O


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