General Discussions > The "What" Board

What grinds your gears?

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VexNet: what's so gross about coughing/sneezing in your palm is that even if you do wash your hands afterwards, you are most likely to open a door or two and touch a few objects before you reach the bathroom. To me, your sleeve, your shoulder or the bend of your arm is to be prefered in case you don't have a handkerchief with you, since those areas are less likely to come in touch with anything/anyone.

Some other things that grind my gears: headaches, hurting throats and having the need to sleep. Just imagine everything we miss that one third of our lives when we lay snoring.

Sailor Yue-chan:

--- Quote from: Kairi on May 25 2006, 12:22 am ---Knowing that you have a project, and its a big project that must be done, but you can't find what you need, and you can't do it, and its worth alot of your mark o.O

--- End quote ---
ugh. that happened to me. i was suposed to go to several masage clinics to find info on them, but no one would take me anywhere T_T i SO failed that project :(


--- Quote from: Kairi on May 25 2006, 12:22 am ---Knowing that you have a project, and its a big project that must be done, but you can't find what you need, and you can't do it, and its worth alot of your mark o.O

--- End quote ---

Projects in general are extremely annoying -_-; but situations like that are the worst! *goes back to writing paper on US drug policy, 8 pages due tomorrow and I have about 1 1/2 written*

My dad implicitly calling my girlfriend a cheap bar whore...

TEN-KOUUUUU-KEN! (raises HFS into the air as thunder and lightning crashes from the heavens and hits sword, then runs off to hide frm the mod's glares)

Sunburn!! I put on sun cream and everything but missed behind my knees, They're so sore!


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