CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 1: The Dangerous Race

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--- Quote from: Xiao_Lang on May 05 2006, 04:15 am ---I noticed this also! ^^;

Whenever S&S are having a little moment Kuro and Fye are nearly always there watching! lol
Usually one each side of the door XD

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I find it really cute. When they are having a moment, kuro and fai are watching and I can't stop gigglying. Its so cute. But when Fai and kuro have a moment, they are not watching. But its so cute.

i just saw the tsubasa chronicle ending
so Kawaii~!
what is that song called?
when it got to the little fye, i was like "who is that suppose to be?"
and then i realized it was fye!
that the first time in Tsubasa history  that we saw the little fye\


--- Quote from: hack.< on May 05 2006, 10:22 am ---i just saw the tsubasa chronicle ending
so Kawaii~!
what is that song called?
when it got to the little fye, i was like "who is that suppose to be?"
and then i realized it was fye!
that the first time in Tsubasa history  that we saw the little fye\

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The song is called Kaze no Machi, and I love it! It is one of Maaya-sama's best songs ever!


--- Quote from: moezy-chan on May 05 2006, 10:34 am ---The song is called Kaze no Machi, and I love it! It is one of Maaya-sama's best songs ever!

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I agree. Its a wonderful song.


--- Quote from: moezy-chan on May 05 2006, 10:34 am ---The song is called Kaze no Machi, and I love it! It is one of Maaya-sama's best songs ever!

--- End quote ---
Actually, isn't it "Kaze Machi Jet"? "Kaze no Machi he" is that song from the first season.


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