CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2
[TRC Arc 2] Episode 1: The Dangerous Race
There are so many crossover characters in this episode! Am trying to add them to the ep guide on my site but my knowledge of CLAMP characters is rather small. :sleepy5:
Was that couple from last season's anime-only-world from another clamp series? You know, the world with the cardboard swords? Or are they Tsubasa only characters?
she just watched the epi. (at last! thank you netopia!) i was annoyed when Fai said that Kuro-tan misses tomoyo... i was laughing at syao's reaction when sakura crashed while tomoyo was watching and said 'even her crashes are cute'
one sentence: I didn't like it
it's almost the same a season 1
i prefer the country before the piffle world (in the manga) (hehe i forgot)
at least it's better than the english one
--- Quote from: hack.< on May 01 2006, 01:31 pm ---one sentence: I didn't like it
it's almost the same a season 1
i prefer the country before the piffle world (in the manga) (hehe i forgot)
at least it's better than the english one
--- End quote ---
In the current U.S. TRC manga (#9) they are in the country of Shura.
Sailor Yue-chan:
sharano/shurano is the 2 wolrds from the arc before piffle (one's present one;s past) and i dont know much avout CLAMP characters either. i have on my gudie fror this episode "many people from the preveious arcs apear in this arc" -_- lame yes, but it holds out fine. Tomoyo's cameo is the most important of them anyways. only those 3 kids, (Clamp campus detectives???) Shogo and one other person Show contentKyle-sensie have actual speaking roles.
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