General Discussions > Anything goes...
Lets here your POEMS!!! hehe :D
You are the one I love
The one who holds my heaven high above
As i stare upon your face
My world sems a pitiful disgrace
For your beauty i would sacrafise all
For your love my heart would fall
And in the stars it shall come true
Only there, just me and you
^aww that's so cute ^^
it just remember a manga i read cuz it says similar things =P
--- Quote from: Ashlee on June 10 2006, 02:39 am ---Kuri-san, its really good. Here is one, I just just made up
I google myself
I google my friend
I google my cat
I google your name
I google my pop
I google my pic
I google my book
I google all day
I can't live with out my google
Day or night
If you ask me, what I think of google
you may get a fright
--- End quote ---
hehe i must say it's funny *giggles*
My poems are a little dark and short, I made them for a school project, so bear with me.
I Used To Be
I used to be
A small lantern
Lighting a small room
Now I am
A broken heap of glass
Hurting all who come near.
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