CLAMP's Famous Works > Manga Chapter Discussions
Chapter 114!
Those giant worms remind me of the giant worms that come out of Final Fantasy deserts.
Come on Sakura, breathe!
--- Quote ---Yeah yeah! no mouth-to-mouth thingy anymore... but im still curious what would Fai & Syao's reaction if they saw kuro-pii & Sajura in that kind of position..
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Syao-kun would probably thank him for taking care of Sakura. CCS-Syao-Kun would try to stab him O.o. I miss CCS-Syao-kun.
Giant desert worm.... DUNE!!!
--- Quote from: Senefen on April 29 2006, 04:33 pm ---CCS-Syao-Kun would try to stab him O.o. I miss CCS-Syao-kun.
--- End quote ---
me too :(
CCS!Syao-kun would have glared at Kuro-rin, called him 'omae' then stood there in a martial arts position whilst Kuro-rin glared back with sword drawn and CCS!Sakura (when awakened) would look between them saying 'Hoe?'. CCS!Syao-kun wouldn't have attacked, however. He never attacked CCS!Eriol ::hopeheappearsinTRC:: (too shy for his own good was our CCS!Syao-kun). He would probably start to think CCS!Sakura likes Kuro-rin and start to doubt himself and announce he wasn't going to say anything to CCS!Sakura in case he confused her (too NOBLE for his own good was our CCS!Syaoran, too!).
Rika Iiyumi:
CCS syaoran would probably be like: O______________O TEME!!!!!! and then push kurogane away and make sure sakura is alright  :XD:
i think that maybe when they figure out that Sakura isn't breathing, they'll bring her to like Kamui or somebody, and then Kamui'll be like "oh not not again" because other children throughout the city have like stopped breathing or something ^^ but that's looking too deep isn't it...
or maybe, KOTORI is in that glob thing! and um....kotori is like kamui's sister nee (or best friend's sister)? so um...he would um...obviously feel depressed because his precious friend stopped breathing....and kotori is she grabbed sakura to not feel lonely...o_o
and about the worm really scared me ^^;; i can't believe that kusanagi and yuzuriha are in different groups  :sad5: i think CLAMP should have kept at least the dragons of earth and heaven together nee??? or not...^^ i dunno, i don't read X
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