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What to do with a million?!!

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Your long-lost Uncle Hortence passes away or you played the lottery and the next thing you know...YOU HAVE $1 MILLION!!! Tax-free U.S. currency.

What would you do with your life if this happened to you and what would you change? New house...quit work...splurge...or try and continue your life with no changes.

Let's hear what you would do with $1,000,000

Hm.. the first thing I'd do would totally go out and buy a ton of  new clothes, shoes, accessories, etc. I would book a flight to Japan and buy a house there. Um.. just buy like everything I could ever dream of getting. Heehe I'm sure there's more than that but I just can't think of anymore at the moment.

well, im going to japan. buy my own mansion and car... have maids to take care of me.. buy all the DVDs and mangas i like... i'll go to Greece (i've always dreamt of!)... i'll go all aorund the world with historic places! !'ll give money to KuroTomo fans and convert them to be a KuroFai fan! and i'll save the rest of the money in case something new comes up

well, haha, if i have a million.. umm.. let me think...but i think i will not changed my normal life, because that too greedy already ><

haha, i would rather put 10% into the donation to Abondant<am my spelling correct?> Childs Institution.
next i would have keep it saved in Bank.
2nd, i'll go to Japan and start out my own business
later i will enrich my house and car. that all i could thinks of.... (there many more i wanted to do but.... its just simply too long) XP


--- Quote from: -=kuro_woof=- on April 28 2006, 12:14 pm ---I'll give money to KuroTomo fans and convert them to be a KuroFai fan! and i'll save the rest of the money in case something new comes up

--- End quote ---
XD That's one way to do it. I don't think it would be very successfu, though, sadly enough.

I'd spend it on college, anime, and manga, and I suppose some new clothes. I'd give some of it to some of my personal causes too, such as GLBT and progressive political causes and to Habitat for Humanity.


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