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What to do with a million?!!

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buy the full CCS, TRC and Magic Knigh Rayeart anime series on dvd

and i would just keep the rest of the money until i know what to do with it

Buy all trc merch and the rest to settle any debts (Not that I have any.. 0.o Not sure if my parents do. XD)

Ok here is what I would do with $1 Million dollars:

1) Buy Advent Children
2) Buy the box sets:
    A: Gravitation
    B: Sailormoon all five seasons
    C: Witch Hunter Robin
    D: .Hack//Sign
    E: Chobits
    F: Love Hina
    G: all the seasons out for Inuyasha and the movies
    H: Ghost in the Shell
    I: Samurai Champloo
    J: Piano
    K: Utena

3) buy a house for me and Josh and a new car for him!!
4) Buy the PS3 when it comes out
5) KH2 (Kingdom hearts 2)
6) All the hook ups to make anime music videos
7) a brand new Lap top from
8) sponser children from "Feed the Children"
9) Donate to my church
10) start a savings account for my first born child (deposit like 40,000 dollars in there for them)
11) Get myself a whole new wardrobe
12) deposit the rest in my checking/savings account so we have money to live off of ^^

Ok thats what i would do lol ^^

First of all, buy all the Tsubasa merchandise ever made in the galaxy XD

After that, I could give money to charity, my family, and buy myself a mansion in Hawaii.

When all of these things are done, I would take a plane to Japan and I would bribe Clamp to make the Tsubasa storyline go according to my will!!!! XD!!

(le sigh)

One can always dream, ne?  :D


--- Quote from: Ralea on April 28 2006, 08:17 pm ---Lemme see...

10% is for charity
30% for my family
10% for church

25% spend on trips, and anime and manga!
25% put in bank.


--- End quote ---
Same here ^_^


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