General Discussions > The "What" Board

What to do with a million?!!

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$100,000 for church

$100,000 for college (and living expenses during college)

$100,000 for my parents, because they deserve it.

$50,000 video editing equipment

$50,000 on a cool car that is environmentally friendly, has cupholders, and a CD player and stereo systems (all things my car doesn't have)

$50,000 into an IRA

$50,000 crazy spending money

And the rest into savings or investments.

i'd buy more money if i had a million dollars ^_^ then i'd give some money to my parents...and spend the rest on myself :P

i will become over possessive and put everything in a bank in Swiss and then keep leaving like a beggar...peharps i should try to be a little more extravagant  :sweatdrop:

Use it all to start some sort of school of alternitive thinking, or some sort of place where people can learn what they wish, and not reply on a degrading system. Some place, where people could learn what they feel is right, not a the rules of a festering neon distraction.

Some sort of chance, for people, who want a different life.

Err...give some to family...then move to Japan and join CLAMP! XD (but if I am rejected...T-T ...I'll find Tetsu Inada and live happily ever after! XD yay!!)


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