General Discussions > The "What" Board

What to do with a million?!!

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Well...Heemm...Buy a big house,cats,dogs,rabbits,guinea pigs,hamsters...Goto Japan,New
Zealand,and buy mangas of course!

Need I add...I'd donate a good portion of that million to CapturedWings :D

My friend would definitely like to answer to this!!^^
If I won a million...I'd donate about $100,000 to charity, $200,000 for parents, and $100,000 for my college...(although it may not be needed...^^''). Like what arcademan-san said, I'd donate to cwf too...I always had fantasies where a forum that I always visit would turn into a virtual reality thing like .Hack...^_^'''' (Maybe about $100,000) The rest of it, I'll put in my bank account and travel the world...again!^^ This also includes my shopping spree...^^

Wow...You're very noble to give money to others...

300,000 for my parents
500,000 for me (yes yes i'm very selfish)
50,000 to people charity
50,000 to animal charity
20,000 to cwf
40,000 in the bank
40,000 to my brother


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