General Discussions > The "What" Board

What to do with a million?!!

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--- Quote from: Jeannette on April 28 2006, 12:26 pm ---XD That's one way to do it. I don't think it would be very successfu, though, sadly enough.

--- End quote ---

So true, I can't be bought  :sweatdrop:

If I had a million dollars, I would first give $500 to my church, and then pay off all my student loans. I have alot. Afterwards I would buy a car and a new wardrobe. My jeans are becoming a little loose. After that I would buy a large amount of manga and anime. Oh, and a starter home. Nothing too fancy.

Okay, since I DID create the topic...

Pay off my parent's house and pay off all their bills because if it wasn't for them, I would be in very bad shape.

I'd save the rest and most likely continue to work (though not as much as I do now) and honestly say having the extra $$$ would not change me or my perspective in life ;)

give 10,000 dollars to church
give another 10,000 to my family (since there's four, 40,000)
use 20,000 to shopping sprees and buy all the mangas and books and movie and to use daily
then put the rest in my banking account. pretty simple. ^^

Lemme see...

10% is for charity
30% for my family
10% for church

25% spend on trips, and anime  and manga!
25% put in bank.


I would go crazy and buy a tons of clothes, lots of manga, DVDs, movies, a trip to Japan with 3 of my bestest friends.. And put the rest in the bank >.>


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