It is good to branch out... even still, there are and always will be pairings that I just can't stand to read, much less write about. XD Perhaps I'm just one of those obsessive, hard-core fans. On the other hand, there are pairings that, while I might enjoy another pairing more, I can stand to read and even enjoy. Some of it is doubtless due to simple arbitrary preferences; though, some, I think, is due to Time-Machine's point about validity. Pairings can't be random, there has to be some kind of sense to them. And some pairings just won't ever make sense to me; perhaps they make sense to another, but just not to me. And I really can't write something that I don't find valid. There is worth in branching out, but you can also branch out too much, I think. Therefore, I don't often go beyond my OTP's in stories, either reading or writing. But that's just me.