AuthorTopic: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran and CCS syaoran  (Read 21472 times)

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i decided put this topic on CCS after thinking
if any mod or adminis. think i should put it somewhere else
you can do that :sweatdrop:

back on topic: the question is what the topic says
it would be too obvious if you say they're both boys
something about their personlities or physical structure(?)

like:  CCS syao is shorter than TRC syao
but CCS syao is cute and TRC syao's hot (in my opinion)
by me.

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Re: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran
« Reply #1 on: May 01 2006, 01:56 pm »
CCAS syaroan has a temper, TRC just seems more introverted.
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Re: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran
« Reply #2 on: May 01 2006, 02:47 pm »
Like: Both care and love Sakura
CCS Syaoran can be rude at times but TRC Syaoran is always poilte. :D
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Isn't there a topic like this somewhere? I know there is. >_>
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Re: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran
« Reply #4 on: May 01 2006, 03:23 pm »
Isn't there a topic like this somewhere? I know there is. >_>
i did a search, searching for "syaoran" and "difference" at the same time, and couldnt find one...
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Well, the similarities I see between them are their introverted natures, and their determination to protect the people they care about.  Both of them get slightly obsessive about whatever mission they're on.  They both get extremely embarrassed when confronted with the idea of being in love with Sakura. :tongue:  They both use swords (at least now they do).  Magic swords, no less.  Yuuko knows about both of them.  In some amount of detail.

Some differences...Hmmm...Well, CCS Syaoran isn't blind in one eye.  Or orphaned.  TRC Syaoran is a little more open than CCS Syaoran from the start.  However, TRC is also much lonlier than CCS.  CCS Syaoran purposely attempts to isolate himself from the get-go, but TRC seems to enjoy interaction with people.  He's just kind of awkward about it.  CCS Syaoran is much more serious more of the time than TRC Syaoran.  If I think about the similarities between Kero and Mokona, TRC Syaoran is much more laid back than CCS Syaoran.  Kurogane takes up that particular mantle in TRC. :)

There are probably more, but it's late and I need to sleep.

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you can picture TRC syao in a mature, quiet , and adult - like
but CCS syao is cute, childish (sometimes) kinda way
by me.


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CCS Syaoran: He is quick to temper, impatient, jealous, and doesn't like to show his caring side

TRC Syaoran: He's patient, more able to show emotions, such as happiness, fear, sadness, and he has more control over his emotions.


The main thing that they have in common is their never say die attitude. When both Syaoran's set out to do something, they do it regardless of any factor. Both are very determined and extremely protective. While TRC Syaoran is a bit more at ease, once Sakura is in danger, his overprotectiveness takes over and he is willing to kill another man in order to protect her. I'm sure CCS Syaoran is also like that.
« Last Edit: May 03 2006, 07:33 am by moezy-chan »

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I think in 'The greatness that is Syaoran thread' a few of us were dicussing his differences and similarities. ^^;

So forgive me, I am lazy and therefore some of this I have said before and have therefore copied and pasted it here ^^;

In CCS the drawing styles are different to start with,
I think Syaoran's hair is CCS looks more...soft and fluffy. lol
if that makes sense...  and generally they use softer lines to draw him, it gives him a more childish look about him. :)
In Tsubasa its spikey, less curves and more... well... ridgid. Not that that is bad. He looks alot more mature, older and indeed, he's alot taller XD There is also something different in his eyes, not to do with the blind eye, but the way they are drawn, they give off slightly different feelings...

CCS Syaoran's eyes mostly seem to say 'We'll win no matter what' and
TRC Syaoran's eyes are more 'I'll give everything even if it hurts'

But I am not sure if they are entirly the correct words or wether that makes sense ^^;

CCS Syaoran has a Kawaii factor. His blushing is adorable, and when he stammers! ^.^
you don't see as much of that in Tsubasa, and he's a little more reserved in a way. CCS Syaoran wouldn't be afraid to shout if he had too, TRC Syaoran is a little more... within himself I think... is more clam, mature and a little less arrogant. ^^;;

CCS Syaoran is Chinese (we don't really know about TRC Syaoran yet), and he already knew how to use a sword. I loved his sword in CCS, so much so I have a replica *coughobsessedcough*  >_>
TRC Syaoran has a sword too ^^;, although, learnt to use it rather than he knew already.
CCS Syaoran also has no clone/twin

TRC Syaoran seems to have no faults at all o__o. CLAMP have made him so nice, so strong and determind that its almost that he is super human. CCS Syaoran had some issues! lol and I liked that... you got to see him mature and grow as a character. But as has been said before, CCS is a 'coming of age manga'. In TRC Syaoran has already done that, excepted his feelings entirly, but now has to act upon them and keep them going strong!

Both Syaorans have the determination. protective attitudes. They are both also willing to stay with Sakura, even if they are not a couple. Syaoran in CCS says he won't tell Sakura incase she feels pressured or upset. TRC Syaoran can't because Sakura will blank out. Both are willing to sacrifice their relationship with her if that is what will make her happy. Of course, Tomoyo advises Syaoran to tell in CCS, In TRC... well, we're still waiting! ^___^;;

Some of that has been said by others earlier in this thread ^^;
but I'm agreeing!
Hope its relevant! (I tend to go off blabbing for ages ^^; )

hooray for both Syaorans ^_^



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As always, sugoi sugoi Xiao_Lang-chan! And I agree wholeheartedly. But overall Syaoran, whether in TRC or CCS, will always be willing to exclude himself just to see Sakura smile. That is one thing that I am sure will never change, even if Syaoran was in 10 anime/manga productions.

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Re: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran and CCS syaoran
« Reply #10 on: May 05 2006, 09:12 am »
while CCS syao blushes a lot
TRC syao only blushes a little bit (in Anime)
by me.

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Re: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran and CCS syaoran
« Reply #11 on: May 06 2006, 12:30 am »
^true... I love Syaoran for his bushes... ^__^

Xiao_Lang-san: wow! Your analysis was so... detailed... and long...

moezy-cahn: I agree... Seeing Sakura smile makes him smile too.

BOTH are pretty overprotective. Like some have pointed out, the CCS one can be rude, but the TRC one is always polite.

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Re: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran
« Reply #12 on: May 07 2006, 02:27 pm »
also i think the TRC Syaoram has better fighting skills:
 CCS syaroan only fought with his (big heavy ancient) sword, where as TRC syao fights by kicking (due to lack of depth percetion) and might have more elegent swrod fighting skills (as his ssword is lighter and mroe easy to weild)
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Re: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran and CCS syaoran
« Reply #13 on: May 07 2006, 08:13 pm »
also i think the TRC Syaoram has better fighting skills:
 CCS syaroan only fought with his (big heavy ancient) sword, where as TRC syao fights by kicking (due to lack of depth percetion) and might have more elegent swrod fighting skills (as his ssword is lighter and mroe easy to weild)

I thought CCS Syaoran knew alot of Chinese martial arts though?

wasn't it in the twin card episode him and Meilin performed a sort of 'pattern' of movements that many martial arts do, It included a few backflips, maybe a kick and a really neat palm thrust at the end.
and he had some awesome flying kicks in CCS (fight card episode and time card episode) o___o

but I do agree, we didn't see -enough- of his physical fighting in CCS, we see alot more in TRC ^___^ yay!

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Re: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran
« Reply #14 on: May 08 2006, 01:56 pm »
I thought CCS Syaoran knew alot of Chinese martial arts though?

wasn't it in the twin card episode him and Meilin performed a sort of 'pattern' of movements that many martial arts do, It included a few backflips, maybe a kick and a really neat palm thrust at the end.
and he had some awesome flying kicks in CCS (fight card episode and time card episode) o___o

but I do agree, we didn't see -enough- of his physical fighting in CCS, we see alot more in TRC ^___^ yay!
i forgot about htat stuff :sweatdrop:
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran and CCS syaoran
« Reply #15 on: May 08 2006, 02:59 pm »
CCS syaoran has a family

but TRC syaoran is a orphan

oh, but they are both good at fighting :hello2:
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Re: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran and CCS syaoran
« Reply #16 on: May 12 2006, 10:57 pm »
Syaoran's EYEBROWS in CCS seem to be a lot thicker to me. I like it better that way. Does Syaoran from TRC blush at all?
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Re: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran and CCS syaoran
« Reply #17 on: May 12 2006, 11:20 pm »
hmmm... My comparisions between the 2 syaorans

syaoran of CCS:
1. His cockyness and brash attitude during the early episodes
2. His skill with the clow cards as well as those elemental talismans he has (gotta admit, he's pretty well trained in the magical arts...  :noteworthy: )
3. He easily blushes when he meets people he really love (really funny XD  :rotfl: )
4. His cool use for his sword

syaoran of TRS
1. He's more silent, very focused on the job at hand and very cool attitude
2. his skills vary on the world he is in (e.g. teh koudan he had during teh early episodes, but then left him when he moved on...)

only similarities:
1. Their cool looks (admit it, syaoran of CCS looks cool  :haha:)
2. Their love for Sakura (but it only differs at the time when those syaorans realized that they loved their sakura, for instance, the Syaoran of CCS only realizes his feelings for sakura during the duration of the 3rd season of CCS, while the syaoran of TRC already has feelings for Sakura during the early episodes of TRS)

Just my opinion though...  :keke:

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Re: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran and CCS syaoran
« Reply #18 on: May 12 2006, 11:27 pm »
Syaoran's EYEBROWS in CCS seem to be a lot thicker to me. I like it better that way. Does Syaoran from TRC blush at all?

Mainly at the manga, but who knows? They might put it in the series later :tongue:
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Re: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran
« Reply #19 on: May 12 2006, 11:32 pm »
Mainly at the manga, but who knows? They might put it in the series later :tongue:
Well, in the anime, most likely. :tongue: But me thinks those blush scenes might only happen during those flashback sequences or when sakura and syaoran are alone together.... :D

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Re: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran
« Reply #20 on: May 13 2006, 10:17 am »
dont hurt me, but one major dirfference:

CCS syaoran was atracted to an older man

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Re: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran
« Reply #21 on: May 13 2006, 11:15 am »
dont hurt me, but one major dirfference:

CCS syaoran was atracted to an older man


He wasn't attracted to an older man, he was attracted to an older man's magic. There is a big difference. Attraction to a person it something that comes straight from the heart, but attraction to magic is like being attracted to a person for their magic is like being attracted to a person for the sole reason that they look handsome/beautiful.

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Re: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran and CCS syaoran
« Reply #22 on: June 13 2006, 11:46 pm »
He wasn't attracted to an older man, he was attracted to an older man's magic. There is a big difference. Attraction to a person it something that comes straight from the heart, but attraction to magic is like being attracted to a person for their magic is like being attracted to a person for the sole reason that they look handsome/beautiful.
I agree completely with you!

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Re: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran and CCS syaoran
« Reply #23 on: June 13 2006, 11:49 pm »
He wasn't attracted to an older man, he was attracted to an older man's magic. There is a big difference. Attraction to a person it something that comes straight from the heart, but attraction to magic is like being attracted to a person for their magic is like being attracted to a person for the sole reason that they look handsome/beautiful.
I totaly agree.
Its like a cat to a ball on a string. They are attracted to it, even if they don't want to play.
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Re: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran and CCS syaoran
« Reply #24 on: June 14 2006, 02:35 am »
I totaly agree.
Its like a cat to a ball on a string. They are attracted to it, even if they don't want to play.

hehe thats such a cute way of descibing it XDD

but yeah, Syaoran was drawn to Yues magic Yuki had within him ^_^


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Re: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran and CCS syaoran
« Reply #25 on: June 14 2006, 05:27 am »
Arigatou minna. Also, a major difference between both Syaoran's is that TRC Syaoran isn't as afraid to lie as CCS Syaoran. TRC Syaoran can look you straight in the eye while lying, while CCS Syaoran runs.

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Re: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran and CCS syaoran
« Reply #26 on: June 14 2006, 06:34 am »
Arigatou minna. Also, a major difference between both Syaoran's is that TRC Syaoran isn't as afraid to lie as CCS Syaoran. TRC Syaoran can look you straight in the eye while lying, while CCS Syaoran runs.
hahaha! that's true...CCS Li is very nervous!

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Re: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran
« Reply #27 on: June 15 2006, 09:02 am »
thanks to ch 119 a new similarity:

Show content
the REAL syao (AKA yin syao) is a decendant of Clow Reed, just like the CCS syao
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran and CCS syaoran
« Reply #28 on: December 27 2008, 07:56 pm »
What I know is, since some of them are already mentioned, Shaoran (CCS) and Syaoran (TRC) the two of them like archeology. Sakura (TRC) Was right when she said 'you must like ancient because of your father' Even if the real Syaoran is the son of Shaoran (CCS) who who likes archeology. That means since the episode when they stop the time card. CLAMP already making TRC. Or is it all just a coincidence???
The different is probably yes all of them are already mentioned, but they didn't say that Syaoran (TRC) is a good cook, we hardly even see him cook, but Shaoran (CCS) is a good cook.

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Re: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran and CCS syaoran
« Reply #29 on: February 08 2009, 02:51 am »
I've got loads of similarities and difference between the two in my mind. But right now, the thing that came to my mind is this

TRC Syaoran's way too polite, while CCS Syaoran has this rough & tough sort of attitude (which I prefer a lot more). >:D

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Re: similarity and differences between TRC syaoran and CCS syaoran
« Reply #30 on: March 12 2009, 11:09 pm »
Shaoran (CCS) Is polite too! Only not to some people :keke:
Who is= Kero, Toya, Ms. Mizuki,
I wonder.... :icon_scratch: if Syaoran (TRC) meets with people / magical creature that acts the way to Shaoran (CCS)
Thinking, thinking........
He would be patient, but if he saw anything that hurts Princess Sakura, oh, he's much more angry then Shaoran in CCS
That's my guess,

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