General Discussions > The "What" Board

What internet connection are you on?

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well wireless could be wifi or satellite  :sweatdrop:  wifi is short ranged and covered by an antenna while satellite is broadcasted from a satellite.

it's really sad how the US used to have the #1 fastest broadband connection in the world and has dropped a lot... you can get 20+mbps DSL in countries like South Korea or China for FREEE or for a small amount of money..

Im on Cable :D

DSL with router.  I am just a parasite to my sister's internet.

Ying Hua:
They call it LAN... with 100Mbps... I don't exactly undertsand it.

Little Wolf:
*stares at the poll's current results*   :sad5:

looks we're the only ones on dialup, kuro_woof...  :haha:



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