CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 2: The Three Badges

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--- Quote from: Meowzy on May 07 2006, 07:26 am ---Show contentJust watched the ep!
I loved it when Syaoran said his name was 'Little puppy'! The look on Kurogane's face was priceless!
And yup, the fat guy was clearly an addition that wasn't in the manga. And a dead giveaway...
They left out... That CCS guy who was announcer in the manga. I forgot his name. ~_~

I have to say, Fai looked a bit better now. And Kurogane looked tooo cute! ^_^
They'll be wrapping Pfiffle up next episode, I think...

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Show contentYou must mean Yamazaki Takashi. I wish he was in there. It was so funny when he announced in the manga.


--- Quote from: moezy-chan on May 07 2006, 07:59 am ---Show contentYou must mean Yamazaki Takashi. I wish he was in there. It was so funny when he announced in the manga.
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Show contentYES! Yamazaki! I knew it something with a Y! Heh, he was so awesome in the manga!

Yeah, I miss Yamazaki, but what I really missed were the drinkies!  It got my hopes up when Tomoyo says,, "Kampai!" but alas, no cute drunken crashes, or the adorable name-calling trend when Kuro tries to stop them, and no cute drunken Sakura tugging on Syaoran in her sleep!

On the plus side, I did notice new bgm this week.  It was much better suited to Piffle than last season's stuff.  I appreciated that.  And, Makino Yui sounded just like Tange Sakura when she said, "Tomoyo-chan?"  I was stunned and amazed! CCSness!


--- Quote from: Meowzy on May 07 2006, 08:31 am ---Show contentYES! Yamazaki! I knew it something with a Y! Heh, he was so awesome in the manga!
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Show contentOh he was!! The only thing I didn't like was that they didn't include Chiharu-chan! That would've made it great!

Magical Angel 101:
Show content This episode was defaintly, slower in a way... :snore: but I defaintly need the subbed version! :okay: there were something's changed, -_- I fare as I can reamber, :XD: though, I thought only Sakura and Syoran, went togo  to see other people, and got interagated for it?  :icon_scratch: and that they figured that weren't suspects, because their liedetecter chairs, and that dinner party thing wasn't in the manga :protest: was it?  :hello2:


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