CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 2: The Three Badges

<< < (10/10)


--- Quote from: Mizu-Tenshi on May 14 2006, 04:46 am ---Episode two was enjoyable.Looks like they'll be wrapping up the race in the next episode. I thought that episode five was going to be filler because it was was it? The magician and the date? Is that right? Sounds like a filer-y kind of title to me.

--- End quote ---

My translater said something like... "The date with the magic teacher"
But I think that was episode 6, actually.

Cardcaptor Takato:
This was another great episode.  It was great to see Ryouoh again, though I wish they had shown Sakura interacting with Yuzuriha too, since they showed her briefly in the previous episode.  My favorite moment is definetly when Shaoran calls himself "LIttle Puppy" when he introduces himself to Ryouoh and Kurogane looks pissed off, like it's bringing back bad memories from Outo or something.  I guess Fai must've traumatized poor Kuro-chan with those nicknames of his.  I was also glad to see that they brought back the Clamp School Detectives and gave them more of a larger role this time around, since they only appeared for like five minutes in the first season.  I also really liked that BGM track they played near the beginning of the episode.  It sounded really cool and I can't wait for a new OST to be released.


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