CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 2: The Three Badges

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--- Quote from: Jeannette on May 07 2006, 04:59 am ---So I've watched the raw. Kinda disappointing. Show contentJeez, what is up with them drawing Ryuu-ou with one tooth? XD It looks awful- happened with Kurogane once or twice last episode, but happened a lot with Ryuu-ou in this episode. And Nokoru's hair looks awful. >< Nokoru's always had such pretty hair. But very slow episode. Also, isn't having that ugly fat guy who showed up in Spirit kind of a big giveaway that we need to be looking out for Kyle? Sigh. I don't think he (the big ugly guy) was in the manga Piffle, so why add him in the anime? Also, once or twice Kurogane looked like he was about fifteen or so. It was disconcerting.
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Show content Big fat ugly guy? You mean the guy who owned a cafe in Spirit, and who you saw at the end of the Spirit saga, spying on Syaoran and co? Because he was in the manga. Just not in the Pfiffle bit, I think... I didn't even notice he was the owner of the cafe, until the third time I watched those episodes! I wonder if he's Kyle's leader...


--- Quote from: Meowzy on May 07 2006, 05:29 am ---Show content Big fat ugly guy? You mean the guy who owned a cafe in Spirit, and who you saw at the end of the Spirit saga, spying on Syaoran and co? Because he was in the manga. Just not in the Pfiffle bit, I think... I didn't even notice he was the owner of the cafe, until the third time I watched those episodes! I wonder if he's Kyle's leader...
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Yeah, that guy. Show contentI meant I didn't think he was in the manga in Piffle- I knew he was in the manga in Spirit. I don't think he's Kyle's leader, I think he's a tool of Fei Wong Reed, passing on orders and giving FWR info.

Yosh, just finished watching the RAW Show contentand never was I so thrilled that there were so many CCS references or I wouldn't know what the he** they were talking about. I understood at least 85% of the entire episode. Can't wait for the sub. I liked that Tomoyo was had even more of her Tomoyo-ness, and insisted on the costume.

I was a bit scared at the ending when Syaoran tried to save Ryuu-oh, but obviously from the preview for next week nothing happened to either of them. Overall I think it was a good episode. And what really made it so great was that Sakura sounded just like the original CCS Sakura when she said Tomoyo-chan, and Tomoyo actually sounded like CCS Tomoyo when she said Sakura-chan. It really brought me back.

Show contentJust watched the ep!
I loved it when Syaoran said his name was 'Little puppy'! The look on Kurogane's face was priceless!
And yup, the fat guy was clearly an addition that wasn't in the manga. And a dead giveaway...
They left out... That CCS guy who was announcer in the manga. I forgot his name. ~_~

I have to say, Fai looked a bit better now. And Kurogane looked tooo cute! ^_^
They'll be wrapping Pfiffle up next episode, I think...

Oooohh.... My torrent is finally ready. ^_^
I didn't enjoy this quite as much.... Show content What's up with the other villain from Jade being there? I don't remember him, in the manga. And Syaoran's fight scene wasn't as kakkoi as the manga version... I wish it could've looked somewhat like it did when he was blindfolded in Outo... *sigh* Though at least Fai looked a bit better in this ep. And Nokoru finally showed up. :keke: A tad bit of filler, this time around... but still... hyuu.
But whoo-hoo! This one's a cliffy! :D


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