AuthorTopic: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 2: The Three Badges  (Read 21167 times)

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 2: The Three Badges
« Reply #20 on: May 07 2006, 09:30 pm »
Tomoyo was alot more Tomoyo like, and I enjoyed that very much ^__^
especially when she said 'I'm so happy' almost exactly like the CCS Tomoyo used to say when she went all starry eyed ^___^

however... (I'm not really convinced this needs spoiler tags but oh well ^^; )
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When Tomoyo revealed Sakura in the cute outfit, I think more of a reaction from Syaoran would have been nice ¬__¬
a blush, a stammer, anything to show he still has an attraction to Sakura... (There was one in the manga, just a slight flush)
He's too serious sometimes ^^;
Also, when she was being given the flower, he needed a reaction there too, a hint of jealousy maybe? (not quite as mad as when eriol gave her a flower though, lol)

otherwise it was fun to watch :)

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 2: The Three Badges
« Reply #21 on: May 07 2006, 10:46 pm »
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When Tomoyo revealed Sakura in the cute outfit, I think more of a reaction from Syaoran would have been nice ¬__¬
a blush, a stammer, anything to show he still has an attraction to Sakura... (There was one in the manga, just a slight flush)
He's too serious sometimes ^^;

I agree.  I don't know why the anime feels the need to make Syao so serious.  They try to make it too dramatic sometimes, and I feel that they center on Syao too much.  Piffle was all about Sakura, not Syao, but both "cliffhanger" moments in the season thus far have centered on Syao.  I want to see Sakura doing her best!  That was my favorite thing about the Piffle arc in the manga, but the way this is going,  I wonder if   
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sakura is going to win the race at all.  I suspect they'll let Syao win it!

 and that would stink.

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 2: The Three Badges
« Reply #22 on: May 08 2006, 12:47 am »
I want to see Sakura doing her best! That was my favorite thing about the Piffle arc in the manga, but the way this is going, I wonder if
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sakura is going to win the race at all. I suspect they'll let Syao win it!

 and that would stink.

I was worried about that too.  It was my favourite thing about the Piffle Arc:
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Sakura got the feather on her own merit, without the others help.  It was the moment she stopped being 'sleeping Princess' and started to be 'travelling companion'.  I will be VERY disappointed if Syaoran wins.

I was annoyed that the 'lie detector chairs' weren't in this episode.  It wouldn't have taken much for Tomoyo to have asked them all to sit when they visited her and for her (or one of the others) to ask if Syaoran-tachi did it.  It would have been better than the Syaoran/Ryouoh friendship scenes.

I just hope they go back to the 'Rabbit' country after this and put the rest of the manga in order.  I wanna see the Shurano arc!

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 2: The Three Badges
« Reply #23 on: May 08 2006, 02:05 am »
Syaoran can't win because..
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In the preview for next episode, he and Ruuyoo(sp?) are being rescued. They are disqulified for colliding.

I'm disappointed that Yamazaki wasn't there and that fat guy from Jade was there.... ugh. And what was up with the "dramatic" ending? Totally ruined by preview.... I mean come on.... and Syaoran should have had more reaction to Sakura's costume, he looks so cold! >_<

I like the episode overall though, like Syaoran saying Little Puppy, that was rahter funny XD I mean the animation didn't go as down hill as it did between episode 1 and 2 of season 1. Everyone had looked so bad in episode 2 after wonderful animation in 1st episode. But this time, episode 2's animation good almost as good as episode 1. So I'm happy about that.

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 2: The Three Badges
« Reply #24 on: May 08 2006, 03:22 am »
I thought it was ok... I found it boring at most parts because the characters talked way too much and I didn't understand what they we're saying since the subbed version is still downloading on my computer.

What was up with the Syaoran and Ryouoh scenes? It's not like there frienship will be part in the plot or something. It was so pointless!

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 2: The Three Badges
« Reply #25 on: May 08 2006, 04:24 am »
Yeah, I guess Syaoran did crash.... As for Ryouoh (or however you spell it), maybe it is a seiyuu deal.  I mean, the production values for an anime are way different than a manga.  Clamp can draw the gang meeting 2,000 of their characters without having to pay any actors, but animating them is a different story.  I think they are going to want to stick to a smaller speaking role cast, and use those people more often than they are recycled in the manga.  That's just what I think, though.  Could be wrong  :heh:

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 2: The Three Badges
« Reply #26 on: May 08 2006, 04:34 am »
does anyone have an other place to download the RAW version....

i need the RAW version as well for my topic
I still have the raw on my computer. I can send it for you if you need it. ^_^
Yeah, I guess Syaoran did crash.... As for Ryouoh (or however you spell it), maybe it is a seiyuu deal.  I mean, the production values for an anime are way different than a manga.  Clamp can draw the gang meeting 2,000 of their characters without having to pay any actors, but animating them is a different story.  I think they are going to want to stick to a smaller speaking role cast, and use those people more often than they are recycled in the manga.  That's just what I think, though.  Could be wrong  :heh:
I hadn't thought of that. XD Makes sense, the seiyuu thing. And it looked to me like
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Syaoran crashed on purpose.
And yeah, Syaoran in the anime is way too unemotional. I mean, the kid does have hormones. When Nokoru and Tomoyo were hitting on Tomoyo he didn't even look upset or anything. I would have been. XD But then again, Nokoru is so very gay, you can never take his hitting on women seriously. XD
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 2: The Three Badges
« Reply #27 on: May 08 2006, 05:06 am »
I was very excited when Tomoyo made Sakura's costume, *sighs* the CCS memories... when
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Syaoran collided with Ryuo
I was like, o.O and when
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Sakura screamed his name
I felt like crying. Call me emotional! I was extremely disappointed when Syaoran didn't really say anything about Sakura's costume. I mean, he was just smiling! I would expect he's at least look wide-eyed or something >.> ah, well *huggles Syaoran* Syaoran-kun will hopefully show some more emotion in the next episode, ne?
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 2: The Three Badges
« Reply #28 on: May 08 2006, 05:24 am »
I still have the raw on my computer. I can send it for you if you need it.

i already found a RAW, thankx anyway

oh and i finally got the RAW and Subbed versions of the episode up and running here:

many thanks to my mother for using the computer for 'a little while' and therefore delaying my forumwork with 7 hours! :angry:
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 2: The Three Badges
« Reply #29 on: May 08 2006, 12:30 pm »
I was extremely disappointed when Syaoran didn't really say anything about Sakura's costume. I mean, he was just smiling! I would expect he's at least look wide-eyed or something >.> ah, well *huggles Syaoran* Syaoran-kun will hopefully show some more emotion in the next episode, ne?
Well, correct me if im wrong.. but TRC anime was made by Bee Train, right? and Bee Train's works looks like they don't have any emotion (talk about .hack// sign)

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 2: The Three Badges
« Reply #30 on: May 08 2006, 01:27 pm »
Syaoran can't win because..
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In the preview for next episode, he and Ruuyoo(sp?) are being rescued. They are disqulified for colliding.

I'm disappointed that Yamazaki wasn't there and that fat guy from Jade was there.... ugh. And what was up with the "dramatic" ending? Totally ruined by preview.... I mean come on.... and Syaoran should have had more reaction to Sakura's costume, he looks so cold! >_<

I like the episode overall though, like Syaoran saying Little Puppy, that was rahter funny XD I mean the animation didn't go as down hill as it did between episode 1 and 2 of season 1. Everyone had looked so bad in episode 2 after wonderful animation in 1st episode. But this time, episode 2's animation good almost as good as episode 1. So I'm happy about that.
the look on kuro's face when he said that he was little puppy was priceless XD cant wait for it to go on youtube so i can screen cap that (thats the only way i can do screen caps)
and the title for the next episode after the piffle arc hints that it might be the Country of Idols as the next world.
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 2: The Three Badges
« Reply #31 on: May 08 2006, 05:04 pm »
Does anyone else think Nokoru* Is Fye's illigetimate love child? I saw him in series one and thought OMG MINI-FYE!~ Oh wait its that CLAMP school kid. Same thing happened again lol.

*thats his name right? Blonde kid from CLAMP school detectives.

Fangs: make people interesting? Animal? Cool? ha ha my brother has fangs, one of them's a fake tooth and the other is just pointy O.o.

I dont see why they changed who got in from the manga. What was the point?

I was extremely disappointed when Syaoran didn't really say anything about Sakura's costume. I mean, he was just smiling! I would expect he's at least look wide-eyed or something >.> ah, well *huggles Syaoran* Syaoran-kun will hopefully show some more emotion in the next episode, ne?
TRCSyao-kun doesnt have emotions half the time >.> I miss CCSSyao-kun, he would get angry and blush all the time ^^! TRCSyao-kun is too mature.
« Last Edit: May 09 2006, 04:07 pm by Senefen »

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 2: The Three Badges
« Reply #32 on: May 08 2006, 06:22 pm »
The ending was so uninspiring that I forgot Syaoran crashed (and therefore wasn't able to win and steal the limelight).

I was very fond of the Piffle arc in the manga, but I'm not enjoying it as much in the anime.

Tomoyo sounded better this episode, though.  Especially when she squeeled 'Subarashi desu wa!'.  Still think they should have gotten Iwao Junko (not that I don't love Maaya, she just isn't Tomoyo).

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 2: The Three Badges
« Reply #33 on: May 08 2006, 07:13 pm »
In the Country of Idols wich characters can we find?

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 2: The Three Badges
« Reply #34 on: May 08 2006, 08:00 pm »
none realy. just some furry talking rabbit/fox like creatures and a tornado with an attitude. there are no humans in htat world.
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 2: The Three Badges
« Reply #35 on: May 08 2006, 08:06 pm »
I see...
in your opinion, is it a beautiful world?

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 2: The Three Badges
« Reply #36 on: May 08 2006, 08:09 pm »
i think so. its an ididuous(sp) tropical jungle. altho black and white drawings dont leave much to the imaginaion.
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 2: The Three Badges
« Reply #37 on: May 08 2006, 09:29 pm »
who, among the principal characters, can we see in the most of the world?

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 2: The Three Badges
« Reply #38 on: May 09 2006, 09:11 am »
like i said, the Country of Idols has no BODY. jsut a bunch of taling furry creatures. all we see is the gang
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trying to get the feather from a tornado.
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which gives us insight on sakura's perceptive powers. she talks top the tornado
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 2: The Three Badges
« Reply #39 on: May 09 2006, 04:05 pm »
the ep was pretty good, but i liked the last ep a lot better :(
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