AuthorTopic: Cardcaptors the collection RPG  (Read 32570 times)

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Cardcaptors the collection RPG
« on: May 05 2006, 09:49 am »
Now to start this

Name: Jamie Kazuki
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Clow item: Silver pole, Half the size of an average pencil – Short red and gold Spear
Clow cards: The Jump, The Mirror
Character: (say 3 words that describe your character best).

This Story starts with card captor Jamie Kazuki walking home from school one day with his friend and the keeper of the clow book, Kero sitting on his shoulder. When it suddenly starts getting really dark all of a sudden,
"I sense a clow" said Kero in Jamie’s ear and he looked around, jumping out of the nearby forest came a cloaked figure without any visible body underneath it "the shadow card!" shouted Kero,
Before he could say anything else Jamie had pulled out of his pocket a little red and gold pole and held it on his hand in front of him and he spoke in a chant,
"Oh Item of the clow, Power of magic, Power of light, surrender the weapon, the force ignite, Release!” he said and as he said all of this a circle of light marking appeared on the floor around him and spun slowly and wind started to blow around him and the small pole grew and changed shape slightly until it was a spear with a shiny red base a golden stream circling from one end to the other and at the end with the small silver blade there was a couple of small wings coming towards his hands.
Jamie held up a card that had a small animal on it with long legs and long ears.
“Release from your power confined, Jump” said Jamie and it hit the card he put in front of him and then small wings appeared on the sides of Jamie’s shoes and then Jamie suddenly jumped high up into the air to dodge an attack from the shadow.

Now it’s your guy’s turn to join in fill out this character profile sheet and then make your opening post and how you come into the scene of Jamie and the shadow card.

Clow item: (like Sakura’s wand, or Li’s sword)
Clow cards: (you start with only 1 or 2 and do not start with anything too powerful or the element cards)
Character: (say 3 words that describe your character best).

Ruby Moon

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Re: Cardcaptors the collection RPG
« Reply #1 on: October 11 2008, 11:11 am »
Name:  Jurai Masaki
Age: 16
Sex: female
Clow item: Clow red sword
Clow carda: Windy and Hope
Character: Sweet, kind, and considerate.