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Top 10 CW favorites!!

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Hey, i know everyone here is a fun person. But surely, you have your favorite persons, right? Well, name your Top 10 Captured Wingers here!

  yeah, i know it's going to be hard to choose so.. Not actually Top 10... you can list your favorite people here up to 10 but not below 5. I just made it Top 10 so there will be no overposting like Top 20 :dodge:

Well, here's my seven: (in order)

VexNet - really goo looking & funny
Aya-Chan - very beautiful
-=kuro_woof=- - my former classmate & is a wonderful Manga Artist! (even though she never
               finished one & even if she did finish, the ending always sucks!)
Kuro-Puppy - I don't know but im starting to like him (maybe because he said something that
              made me feel like my classmate is safe when he's around)
moezy-chan - always ready to help
bluetopaz - wonderful graphic artist and is a kare kano fan
Okamirei - biggest Syaoran fan i ever met

Name your favorites too!

Favorites, eh? My 9!

Kuro-Puppy - he's like a REAL bir bro to me and is fun to talk with

Pretty - my mentor when it comes to Taoi. She gave me good links of Yaoi & is fun to talk

AkaiYuki - my mentor when it comes to KuroFainess. I REALLY LIKE HER!

moezy-chan - very kind.. very helpful! I LOVE HER!

Jeanette - my 2nd KuroFai fan favorite

Kudan - fun to talk with & is a great animation artist! she's one of my lil sis!

Zeldi - fun to talk with when it comes to Kino no Tabi and other things! :okay:

Moon Li - great graphic artist! She made my former Fai siggie! *very cute*

Tsukihime - one of my loyal manga readers & my former classmate

--- Quote from: tsukihime on May 05 2006, 12:01 pm ----=kuro_woof=- - my former classmate & is a wonderful Manga Artist! (even though she never
 finished one & even if she did finish, the ending always sucks!)
Kuro-Puppy - I don't know but im starting to like him (maybe because he said something that
 made me feel like my classmate is safe when he's around)

--- End quote ---
     well, im sorry! Don't read if they suck! You're the one who is crazy over the character i made named Chris!

     classmate? is it me? or do we have other classmates here? *Wee! more classmates I hope!*

Aww, favourites? I don't really have favourites, I love everyone, but I can't list them all.

I swear there are so many topics related to this, ne? I'm not sure if this should be locked or not...

Off-topic: You're Filipina, ne tsukihime-san? Same here :D I don't speak tagalog though, gomen ne (o.O)


moezy-chan - Wise words always come from this lovely forum counselor! She's a friend whenever you need one!
Hikari_Blaze - Ah, fellow writer and blogger! We're both gonna become big-time writers! XD
Ashlee - Canadian! Woot woot! I can relate to her so much!
VexNet - Very funny and is very awesomely open-minded about music! :D
Moonflower121 - Always very kind, sweet, and sympathetic. She lends a shoulder to cry on, every time :)
Moonprincess18 - Very dependable, thoughtful, and considerate! Extremely nice :)
bie liao - Thoughtful, can always relate, sweet, one of a kind!
Shinu - Kawaiiii *glomp* so awesome!

And of course, the Admins and Mods (Gomen ne for going over 10?). You're also my favourites, that goes without saying :D

EDIT: o.O I only put down eight people! So muahahaha! I can put 2 more people down soon! I will as soon as I get some well-deserved sleep!

I have a lot of favourites, so if i missed you, gomen ne! I love you guys very much too <3

Aw, you're so sweet Cherry-chan! Thank you for your kind words. I'd have to say my top 10 list everyone on my friends list (which I know that I don't have ten people listed there). But for now, I'll just go off the top of my head.

suu_no_clover - She is awesome, always making me funny and we're usually discussing Syaoran or something related to him. XD I love her. So nice, sweet, funny. <33

Moezy-chan - The forum  counselor! She's very wise and yet still has things to learn herself. Thats goes to say for all of us. Anyway, one of my fellow Syaoran-fangirls. ^_^

Jenx - Although she's not on the forums all the time, I talk to her sometimes on MSN. She's nice and blurt. ^^ Very funny as well.

Okamirei - She's a mod here and makes wonderful graphics (especially nice Syaorans icons). She's very polite and fun to chat with.

lika-chi - The hyper and sweet one. She's one of my bubbies on LJ, and I enjoy reading her long and detailed posts. (and here as well..)

Endoh - Follow Syaoran-fangirl! heheh. So nice! ^__^

Zeldi - The Yume no Hana forum admin! Aside from that, someone I talk to on MSN. Always making how I am and whatnot. She's Zeldi-chan! So very cute!

Hypercrabby - I love her comics, they're so great. You're a great artist, Hypercrabby! ^o^

bLuetopaz - Another awesome graphic maker. =D Love your stuff. <333

Moonflower121 - Similar to what Cherry-chan said; Sweet, Kind, a joy to talk to.

So many more to list, like the admins and mods. You guys are great; thanks so much for making this forum the wonderful place that it is.  :keke:

Mah, arigatou minna! ^_^

My top ten:

1) Miss Endoh: Always so funny and great to talk to on webcam! though she hasn't been on in a while  :sweatdrop:

2) Moon Hime: Always fun to talk about CCS related topics, and is always there when you need a shoulder to cry on!

3) AkaiYuki: Is very funny, thoughtful, and takes the time to listen to my problems ^_^

4) Moonflower121: Is my kawaii Maddie-chan! Always so sweet and wonderful.

5) kuro-puppy: Is very respectful, polite, and always has wonderful pictures to share!

6) -=kuro_woof=-: So kawaii, and very pretty! And I love you too!

7) Xiao_Lang: Is very Syaoran informative, and extremely smart and pretty!

8) suu_no_clover: Very funny, and extremely mature for her age. And yes, the answer is ALWAYS Syaoran!!

9) Okamirei: Very sweet, nice, and a wonderful person to talk to if you need a shoulder to cry on.

10) Jenx: Though not on here that often, she is almost always on MSN or in the chatroom. Great to talk to, and is not afraid to be honest.

Sorry for not mentioning anyone else. I love all of you, but there are only 10 allowed  :cry:


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