
Another popularity contest between the two most popular couple of TRC.

Sakura + Syaoran
124 (50%)
Fai + Kurogane
124 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 221

AuthorTopic: S+S or F+K?  (Read 258400 times)

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #720 on: September 08 2006, 03:43 pm »
:hello2: yes yes yes!!! *hugs you for that responce*

in TRC, syao and saku relationship has developed only a teeny tiny bit. and if you read the manga up to date
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its pretty much ground to a halt XP
where as kuro-fai pair, thats developed non stop thruout the entire series. sure it strated out as fai trying to piss off kuro at every waking moment, but it developed into a love-hate type of love. kuro LOOKS/acts like he hates fai all the time, but why else try to get fai to face his past and try to LIVE? why do what he did in the manga? thats luve babeh XD

Hmm, considering the latest chapter...
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I wouldn't really consider their relationship has gone to a halt. Rather, it's made things much more interesting. Now who will Sakura really love? Which Syaoran can really be considered the "real" Syaoran meant for Sakura? Whose love is stronger? I find that interesting so no, I don't consider their relationship has gone to a halt. Iy would've been slow before, I agree... but it isn't at a halt. ^^

I still support S+S not just because they're canon or anything like that... rather the relationship is just quite sad yet interesting in another perspective. Syaoran sacrificed so much for Sakura... and Sakura's trying so hard to know who's missing in her memories and who she really cares about
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which she found out of course
, and now with the things going on their relationship is not just complicated but just heart breaking.

So may the real love of S+S prevail! *waves S+S flag over and over*

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #721 on: September 08 2006, 04:21 pm »
no no no!!!!
SxS were the original couple!!!Whooo, SxS, Sxs!!!
never let them beat you!!!

What do you mean by an "original" couple? Are you implying that KuroFai is not an "original" couple? Please elaborate.

And KuroFai obviously wins in my opinion. They're meant for each other.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #722 on: September 08 2006, 04:37 pm »
What do you mean by an "original" couple? Are you implying that KuroFai is not an "original" couple? Please elaborate.

And KuroFai obviously wins in my opinion. They're meant for each other.

I think they mean "original" as in existing longer.  In which case, there are far older couples in TRC than Sakura and Syaoran, two of which I keep thinking of whenever I see "SxS" and "KxF". >_<

To clarify though, Sakura and Syaoran have never truly been a couple in TRC.  Sakura didn't get to confess to Syaoran before she lost her memories, and after that right when she realized that he is her most precious person everything goes out the window.  They have only been a couple at the very end of CCS.

I like both SakuraxSyaoran and KuroganexFai, it's just that Kuro and Fai have always interested me more.  Sakura and Syaoran were already established at the beginning of the series, but watching Kuro and Fai build over the course of the series is interesting.  Now that Sakura and Syaoran's relationship is up in the air, it's interesting to me as well.  Not as interesting as the vampire subplot, but it's helping to draw me into the story. :keke:
« Last Edit: September 08 2006, 04:47 pm by nefadol »

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #723 on: September 08 2006, 05:05 pm »
I think they mean "original" as in existing longer.  In which case, there are far older couples in TRC than Sakura and Syaoran, two of which I keep thinking of whenever I see "SxS" and "KxF". >_<

To clarify though, Sakura and Syaoran have never truly been a couple in TRC.  Sakura didn't get to confess to Syaoran before she lost her memories, and after that right when she realized that he is her most precious person everything goes out the window.  They have only been a couple at the very end of CCS.

I like both SakuraxSyaoran and KuroganexFai, it's just that Kuro and Fai have always interested me more.  Sakura and Syaoran were already established at the beginning of the series, but watching Kuro and Fai build over the course of the series is interesting.  Now that Sakura and Syaoran's relationship is up in the air, it's interesting to me as well.  Not as interesting as the vampire subplot, but it's helping to draw me into the story. :keke:
too true! too true!

kuro and fai are indeed much more fun to watch... ^^
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #724 on: September 08 2006, 05:10 pm »
I think S+S are BORING, even in TRC. I'll probably will be banned now, but I hate CCS, specially Sakura and Syaoran  :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:  That is the main reason why I was not interested in TRC in the first place, but I slowly fell for it becasue in the other side the kind of relationship Kurogane and Fay are developing makes them a very hot couple and very interesting to see how it will end  :inlove: :inlove:

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #725 on: September 08 2006, 10:05 pm »
Go TIE!!!!!

(It stops any arguements and I love both couples, even if I voted Kurofay WAY back because they had so little support at the time).

AMEN. Tie, tie, go TIE! *Still a non-voter*

I think they mean "original" as in existing longer.  In which case, there are far older couples in TRC than Sakura and Syaoran, two of which I keep thinking of whenever I see "SxS" and "KxF". >_<

Really, if we're all supposed to support couples that are older why aren't there more people fangirling Yasha/Ashura with me? 1989, beat that! And where's the Akira/Utako love?

...Which is to say that I don't think that a) SyaoSaku was ahead for so long just because it's older (it got there by its own merit as a pairing), or b) that it is more worthy because it is older. Everyone wins!
« Last Edit: September 09 2006, 11:30 am by Capella »
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #726 on: September 09 2006, 12:32 am »
zomg! *ridiculously shocked*

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #727 on: September 09 2006, 01:33 am »
AMEN. Tie, tie, go TIE! *Still a non-voter*

Really, if we're all supposed to support couples that are older why aren't their more people fangirling Yasha/Ashura with me? 1989, beat that! And where's the Akira/Utako love?

*admires your self restraint*

CCD!  *sob*  You're reminding me that there is little CCD fandom out there *wants Nokoru/Suoh*

I'm sure that when Tokyopop finish with RG Veda that I'll fangirl Ashura/Yasha (I already think they're great but I don't know the whole story yet).

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #728 on: September 09 2006, 01:44 am »
Go TIE!!!!!

(It stops any arguements and I love both couples, even if I voted Kurofay WAY back because they had so little support at the time).

i can understand the feelings of those people who support a tie.. *wears tie* lol lame..

trying to say that KF and SS are equally nice and there's no need for a fight!!!

inmitates a contestant from Ms Universe:" i would like to have WORLD PEACE!!!"
oh mianz.. this is so crap!!

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #729 on: September 09 2006, 02:30 am »
I think S+S are BORING, even in TRC. I'll probably will be banned now, but I hate CCS, specially Sakura and Syaoran :hehe: :hehe: :hehe: That is the main reason why I was not interested in TRC in the first place, but I slowly fell for it becasue in the other side the kind of relationship Kurogane and Fay are developing makes them a very hot couple and very interesting to see how it will end :inlove: :inlove:

Nobody's going to ban you for stating your opinion XD

Personally, I was nearly bored to tears with Syaoran and Sakura in TRC. Obviously, now it's all picking up...
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Ironically enough, I think CLONE Syaoran has more personality than Syaoran did before...He's more interesting...
...I'm not as bored, but I still could care less about them. They're there. That's all. They have a sweet relationship, but it's been developing so slowly...I suppose it's because Sakura is having to relearn EVERYTHING she loved about Syaoran, without ever knowing she loved him...but still. It's so slow.

Kurogane and Fai from the very beginning interested me. They were so different, and I found them both hilarious. The difference in their relationship is that it has dynamics, and chemistry. And it has it in spades. With Syaoran and Sakura it' a typical 'childhood friends fall in love and are torn apart by a greater power'. With Kurogane and Fai you never quite know where they'll go next: one minute they're on amiable terms, the next Kurogane's yelling blue murder at Fai and Fai's annoying Kuro more by laughing. It takes a serious and dangerous thing to happen before Kurogane can throw aside his pride - something he obviously has in spades - and admit that he really cares about Fai. Given the tagline for Chapter 124, I think Clamp are implying that Fai may be the person who he'd do anything to protect. It's taken them a long time to pick at their relationship and let it evolve into what it is now; but it's been moving at a steady pace, rather than going at a mile per hour like Syaoran and Sakura.

I know I keep saying this, but I do love both pairings. I love KuroFai more, but Syaoran and Sakura have a special little corner in my heart. I liked them in CCS and, no matter how much they pale in comparison in Kurogane and Fai, I will always like them as a pairing. One thing I do love about the parings is the parallels. Like Anemone's sig pic for example. A lot of the things between them are paralleling the other pairing: Syaoran going to extreme lengths to save Sakura, Kurogane going to extreme lengths to save Fai and so on...I enjoy seeing that. In order for Clamp to give Syaoran and Sakura some time together, they have to split them up from Kurogane and Fai. Thus both pairings get their time alone to develop their relationship (...although Syaoran and Sakura need a good kick up the backside...)

...And...yeah. I think I've said enough now XD;;

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #730 on: September 09 2006, 05:21 am »
^ it was well said too! i dont mind a tie...(wish it were locked at 112 tho XD) im such an obsessive fangirl for this pairing right now (KF) i didnt used to be like this, now i am XD the manga just puts them together in akkl the right oplaces ^^ i think when i first came into TRC i suported neither pairing, or perhaps jut a little S&S...and regretably perhaps kurotomo >_< *gets bricked* if you had asked me which pair i suported when i first came into TRC idve chosen S&S. now look at me ^_^ kurofai is my first hardcore shonenai pairing ever (touya-yuki doesnt count since i got stuck with the lousy dub <_<;; )
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #731 on: September 09 2006, 06:52 am »
What do you mean by an "original" couple? Are you implying that KuroFai is not an "original" couple? Please elaborate.

And KuroFai obviously wins in my opinion. They're meant for each other.

I meant as in they were the ones that made TRC happen, FxK are in original in TRC, but SxS were the ones that started it all

yes, indeed, I've given up on fighting, but I will, however, remain loyal to SxS
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #732 on: September 09 2006, 01:05 pm »
*wave's KuroFai flag* Come on KuroFai!!!
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #733 on: September 09 2006, 04:13 pm »
*dies* a tie again?!


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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #734 on: September 09 2006, 05:27 pm »
GO S+S! =D ( *waves a small flag with their chibi faces on it* )
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #735 on: September 09 2006, 05:30 pm »
COME ON GO KUROFAI!!!!*wave's flags*

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #736 on: September 09 2006, 06:09 pm »
anymore flags ans we wont beable to see the poll anymore :lol:
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #737 on: September 09 2006, 07:34 pm »
yes, indeed, I've given up on fighting, but I will, however, remain loyal to SxS

Asdfghjkllasdfhhjl..No one is trying to convert you!

Sorry, but this is sorta...slightly annoying. NOBODY is trying to convert people from one pairing to another here. If you like SyaoranXSakura, go you! Vote for them! If you like KuroFai...Go you! Vote for them!

It's all a bit of fun, and I'm just relishing in the fact my second-favourite het pairing (First place goes to Zidane and Dagger in FFIX) and my favourite slash pairing have so much support.

...*gets a step ladder and climbs on it* Okay! Now I can see over the flags to the poll :D

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #738 on: September 09 2006, 08:00 pm »
ha no more tie Go KuroFai!!!! *wave's flag*
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #739 on: September 09 2006, 08:14 pm »
Woot no more tie ^_~

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