
Another popularity contest between the two most popular couple of TRC.

Sakura + Syaoran
124 (50%)
Fai + Kurogane
124 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 221

AuthorTopic: S+S or F+K?  (Read 258440 times)

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #780 on: September 10 2006, 09:50 pm »
*waves SxS flag along with kudan, Zettai daijoubu and Suu-chan*


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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #781 on: September 10 2006, 09:54 pm »
Just a general observation, but aren't a lot of the posts in this thread getting to be rather monotonous? -_-

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #782 on: September 10 2006, 09:58 pm »
I think it's circular logic to try to argue that one pairing's boring. Neither S/S or K/F are boring, there are just people who like it and people who don't. I like Syaoran and Sakura, I think they're really cute, but as a couple they just don't do it for me. There are people who find the same is true with K/F. So although there are several people who find S/S boring, it really shouldn't be treated as anything more than an opinion, seeing as I'm sure there are several people who find K/F boring. It's all a matter of personal preference.
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #783 on: September 10 2006, 10:02 pm »
I second what Emiko said.

...Question: is anyone planning on closing this poll? Ever?
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #784 on: September 10 2006, 10:07 pm »
I made it and I'm not planning to. ^^ we should give new members a chance to vote. ;) at least let SxS catch up. then I'll lock it

Kidding. XD never had I cheated for a poll.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #785 on: September 11 2006, 12:08 am »
It has to be locked someday when everything has been defined and the winner ( winners actually ^^) has been chosen but now let's vote for your fave couple! ^^

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #786 on: September 11 2006, 12:15 am »
It's Suu-chan.. ^^; There's another member by the name Su-chan who is a KF supporter. ^^;
*Waves SS flag*

Yup! I was puzzled for seconds thinking when the hell I had waved 'anything' in SxS favor XD XD XD

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #787 on: September 11 2006, 01:22 am »
*waves SxS flag along with kudan, Zettai daijoubu and Suu-chan*


*joins all of them as well* S+S forever!!!! ^^

And I think it's a matter of opinion on who you prefer and who you don't. Saying one pairing is better than the other won't change things... but it's just good to state what you like about them. ^^

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #788 on: September 11 2006, 06:58 am »
*joins all of them as well* S+S forever!!!! ^^

And I think it's a matter of opinion on who you prefer and who you don't. Saying one pairing is better than the other won't change things... but it's just good to state what you like about them. ^^

That's very true. I think most f the people here at the forums have their head out of the gutter.
Like I said, I love the innocence in the love Sakura and Syaoran share- I loved them in CCS and I was rooting every minute of it to see a single kiss- it's just that I moved on to a different pairing.

Maybe it's the age group. Most of the KFers are older teenagers and up (say... 15-16<) they find the pairing more interesting because they're going through more realistinc- so to speak- conflicts.
We all have to admit that teenagers LOVE angst, and what better angst than the KuroFye pairing?
When you're young, all you want is a happy ending. Love and prince's riding white horses, sweeping the princess to his castle, and then have them live happily ever after, yatta yatta.

I guess I got fed up with stories like that. I'm more into angst, blood, tragedy and if possible, a happy ending with conflicts in the middle.
Most SS fans are younger teens who like cute stories- not all the way, might I add- but most of the genre they choose is like that.
Take CCS not a single drop of blood, maybe 3 tears and some hands-against-the-forehead-drama. In my opinion, if I were to watch CCS now, I would die of boredom - too much cuteness and carefreeness.

TRC takes Sakura and Syaoran and makes them a drama. That drew my attention. The characters grew up with the reader, which in my opinion is very cool- new conflicts, teenage problems etc. Besides the fact that CCS fans would definately read it.
I began reading it because Syaoran was in the manga- and I adore Syao. However the manga didn't have enough spice IMO and by the second volume, I stopped purchasing.
But, THEN came Fye and Kurogane- that blew me away. I started reading TRC in hopes something might happen- I mean.. a blonde, gorgeous man fleeing from a (incredibly hot) king for unknown reasons, TEASING a VERY violent man-- a very violent-HOT man- had to just stirr the fangirl in me.
That's why there's KFers, not that they don't like the SS pairing, but they look for something that the SS pairing won't give them. Besides, we just KNOW SS are going to end together, but KF it's yet to be decided, so it keeps us clinging to the "will they/not?"

Overall.. it's just plain fangirlism and curiosity that draws me to the KF pairing. (Besides the fact that I adore the contrast between Fye and Kurogane-- and they're my new obsession. )
I think that explains my situation clearly. Sorry for the raaant!

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #789 on: September 11 2006, 07:09 am »
Well said Elenath *Clap's*

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #790 on: September 11 2006, 07:12 am »
That's very true. I think most f the people here at the forums have their head out of the gutter.
Like I said, I love the innocence in the love Sakura and Syaoran share- I loved them in CCS and I was rooting every minute of it to see a single kiss- it's just that I moved on to a different pairing.

Maybe it's the age group. Most of the KFers are older teenagers and up (say... 15-16<) they find the pairing more interesting because they're going through more realistinc- so to speak- conflicts.
We all have to admit that teenagers LOVE angst, and what better angst than the KuroFye pairing?
When you're young, all you want is a happy ending. Love and prince's riding white horses, sweeping the princess to his castle, and then have them live happily ever after, yatta yatta.

I guess I got fed up with stories like that. I'm more into angst, blood, tragedy and if possible, a happy ending with conflicts in the middle.
Most SS fans are younger teens who like cute stories- not all the way, might I add- but most of the genre they choose is like that.
Take CCS not a single drop of blood, maybe 3 tears and some hands-against-the-forehead-drama. In my opinion, if I were to watch CCS now, I would die of boredom - too much cuteness and carefreeness.

TRC takes Sakura and Syaoran and makes them a drama. That drew my attention. The characters grew up with the reader, which in my opinion is very cool- new conflicts, teenage problems etc. Besides the fact that CCS fans would definately read it.
I began reading it because Syaoran was in the manga- and I adore Syao. However the manga didn't have enough spice IMO and by the second volume, I stopped purchasing.
But, THEN came Fye and Kurogane- that blew me away. I started reading TRC in hopes something might happen- I mean.. a blonde, gorgeous man fleeing from a (incredibly hot) king for unknown reasons, TEASING a VERY violent man-- a very violent-HOT man- had to just stirr the fangirl in me.
That's why there's KFers, not that they don't like the SS pairing, but they look for something that the SS pairing won't give them. Besides, we just KNOW SS are going to end together, but KF it's yet to be decided, so it keeps us clinging to the "will they/not?"

Overall.. it's just plain fangirlism and curiosity that draws me to the KF pairing. (Besides the fact that I adore the contrast between Fye and Kurogane-- and they're my new obsession. )
I think that explains my situation clearly. Sorry for the raaant!

I think you explained it PERFECTLY well

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #791 on: September 11 2006, 07:18 am »
That's very true. I think most f the people here at the forums have their head out of the gutter.
Like I said, I love the innocence in the love Sakura and Syaoran share- I loved them in CCS and I was rooting every minute of it to see a single kiss- it's just that I moved on to a different pairing.

Maybe it's the age group. Most of the KFers are older teenagers and up (say... 15-16<) they find the pairing more interesting because they're going through more realistinc- so to speak- conflicts.
We all have to admit that teenagers LOVE angst, and what better angst than the KuroFye pairing?
When you're young, all you want is a happy ending. Love and prince's riding white horses, sweeping the princess to his castle, and then have them live happily ever after, yatta yatta.

I guess I got fed up with stories like that. I'm more into angst, blood, tragedy and if possible, a happy ending with conflicts in the middle.
Most SS fans are younger teens who like cute stories- not all the way, might I add- but most of the genre they choose is like that.
Take CCS not a single drop of blood, maybe 3 tears and some hands-against-the-forehead-drama. In my opinion, if I were to watch CCS now, I would die of boredom - too much cuteness and carefreeness.

TRC takes Sakura and Syaoran and makes them a drama. That drew my attention. The characters grew up with the reader, which in my opinion is very cool- new conflicts, teenage problems etc. Besides the fact that CCS fans would definately read it.
I began reading it because Syaoran was in the manga- and I adore Syao. However the manga didn't have enough spice IMO and by the second volume, I stopped purchasing.
But, THEN came Fye and Kurogane- that blew me away. I started reading TRC in hopes something might happen- I mean.. a blonde, gorgeous man fleeing from a (incredibly hot) king for unknown reasons, TEASING a VERY violent man-- a very violent-HOT man- had to just stirr the fangirl in me.
That's why there's KFers, not that they don't like the SS pairing, but they look for something that the SS pairing won't give them. Besides, we just KNOW SS are going to end together, but KF it's yet to be decided, so it keeps us clinging to the "will they/not?"

Overall.. it's just plain fangirlism and curiosity that draws me to the KF pairing. (Besides the fact that I adore the contrast between Fye and Kurogane-- and they're my new obsession. )
I think that explains my situation clearly. Sorry for the raaant!

I wouldn't start making generalizations about the people who 'ship SyaoSaku or KuroFai, myself, since someone's bound to pop in who doesn't fit the description. There are lots of people from different age groups who read and love CCS. You don't have to be a little kid to like happy endings, and you don't have to be against angst and creepiness to like SyaoSaku or CCS.

Other than that, nicely stated and explained. ^.^
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #792 on: September 11 2006, 07:35 am »
Well, I didn't generalize, I just said that maybe it was the age group.
I took it from my own POV. Yes, tehre's 20 year-olds who like cute stuff like SS, I'm not saying there are not, but from what I've seen. They're mostly young teenagers.
Not taht there's something wrong with that.
Again, I was just stating the situation I was and how I came to decide my favorite pairing, I have nothing against SS.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #793 on: September 11 2006, 07:38 am »
i thought Enanath explained it perfectly mostly the age of the person is a big factor in decided what sort of genres they like, and yes there are exceptions but it depends on the person.... i thought she explained it good v.v
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #794 on: September 11 2006, 07:49 am »
Well, I didn't generalize, I just said that maybe it was the age group.
I took it from my own POV. Yes, tehre's 20 year-olds who like cute stuff like SS, I'm not saying there are not, but from what I've seen. They're mostly young teenagers.
Not taht there's something wrong with that.
Again, I was just stating the situation I was and how I came to decide my favorite pairing, I have nothing against SS.

I did understand that it was about your experience, but I felt like the point had to be made sooner or later. In any case, point taken. I apologize if I misconstrued your statement.
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #795 on: September 11 2006, 07:51 am »
I did understand that it was about your experience, but I felt like the point had to be made sooner or later. In any case, point taken. I apologize if I misconstrued your statement.

Oh! you don't need to apologize- sometimes I get carried away and I change subjects too much before proving a point or even explaining myself correctly. ^^;

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #796 on: September 11 2006, 07:58 am »
What I'm interested in is: what's with the sudden boom of votes? Up until now, there's been one or two votes occasionally added to this poll, but nowadays, there's two or three votes added every day. Or am I exaggerating? Have many new members joined recently, or are there just lots of people who haven't voted until now?
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #797 on: September 11 2006, 08:04 am »
Most KF fans seem to fall into the 17+ range, from what I've seen. Possibly because Kuro and Fai are adults, as are they.

But just because fans are young doesn't mean they are S+S fans for the cuteness. --; I'm 'young', in comparisson to other fans, and a good bloody death fic is total love for me. I'm in it for the drama, and the fact that I can relate better to protagonists in my age range.  It's very hard to fall in love with characters, when it's like pedophilia for you, at least imo. XD;

S+S has its own angst. K+F isn't the end-all TRC angst pairing. Seriously. --;
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #798 on: September 11 2006, 08:45 am »
very well put Elelnath ^^

What I'm interested in is: what's with the sudden boom of votes? Up until now, there's been one or two votes occasionally added to this poll, but nowadays, there's two or three votes added every day. Or am I exaggerating? Have many new members joined recently, or are there just lots of people who haven't voted until now?
i think its due to recent chapters that lurkers are comming around to post and stuff.
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #799 on: September 11 2006, 09:56 am »
^ Yeah. The fact that the recent chapters are progessing toward the KuroFai pairing persuades many fans who thought the pairing would never happen to return to the fandom. I know someone who started reading Tsubasa for KuroFai but then the early chapters had no hints toward the pairing so she stopped reading it and stopped participating on forum discussions but when the recent chapters came out, she came back and is kicking it in many forums. Personally i think that's one of the reasons.