Ha! S+S is winning! In the lead with 3 votes more than F+K!
I'm not convinced with the intimacy, sorry... I'm looking for something more than a hug from Fye... Kurogane's not hugging back. -__- Then again, Syaoran wouldn't really hug back if Sakura were to hug him, ne? No, that's not true, I can't believe I said that! I have proof of Syaoran hugging back!
Since WHEN are romantic relationships limited to physical intimacy?
I notice you're only 13 years old..

Well when you're OLDER and can actually BE in a serious romantic relationship, you'll realize there's a LOT more to it than hugging and kissing.
For instance, an understanding of each other is key. No one is going to tell me that Kuro and Fai don't have some underlying understanding of each other's problems.
Also, acceptance of certain things is important. For instance, Kuro and Fai have FAR more differences than similarities, but they seem to respect those differences. In fact, their differences work FOR them rather than AGAINST them. ((Fai's speed with Kuro's strength, etc.))
In real life, relationships also DEVELOP. I hate to break it to you S/S fans, but their relationship hasn't changed a BIT since the beginning... It's had little to NO development.. It's just THERE, and it's just something that we, the readers, accept.. That's it. Nothing more. KF on the other hand, has shown many changes throughout the story and is anything BUT static.
The two of them also take any chance to learn more about each other, while Syaoran and Sakura just kind of... Sit back and watch the show... Sakura lost her memories, but has she asked a single question about Syaoran? ((Or anything else for that matter?)) No, she hasn't.
And I also hate to tell you guys, but it doesn't show the fact that "She loves him so much that even though they're strangers, she trusts him." What it shows to me is a lack of interest. You'd think she'd want to know about him, but it doesn't look that way. And what I just said doesn't mean they "Want to fall BACK in love so they don't need to worry about the past." In no REAL relationships do people just go by what they learn the day they meet and on. They learn about the past. The past forms the person, it's just true. What happens to people helps to make them.
KF are constantly prying into each other's business. They want to know more. They want to learn about each other's past so they can maybe be a part of each other's future.
KF is love. Thank you, good night. *leaves*