
Another popularity contest between the two most popular couple of TRC.

Sakura + Syaoran
124 (50%)
Fai + Kurogane
124 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 221

AuthorTopic: S+S or F+K?  (Read 258555 times)

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #140 on: May 10 2006, 09:57 pm »
I can accept S+S victory... Just really hoping that there would be a chance for KuroFai to win :P Nothing else
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #141 on: May 10 2006, 10:15 pm »
I knew it... You guys are angry at me... Yes, I'm only 13, and I haven't gone as far as loving anyone other than Syaoran. I'm sorry, but I am an S+S fan, so nothing will convince me about F+K because I support S+S at the fullest. I didn't mean to make anyone angry, so please don't be angry at me. This is so depressing... I don't dislike F+K, just not used to yaoi yet. The only yaoi love I've seen is Touya and yukito.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #142 on: May 10 2006, 10:15 pm »
Syaoran and Sakura all the way!

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #143 on: May 10 2006, 10:24 pm »
S&S are in the lead with 6 votes!
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #144 on: May 10 2006, 10:38 pm »
Eh... I don't get it. What's the point of this COMPETITION? I mean, the only thing it shows is the quantity of SxS-fans and KxF-fans, and nothing more. Tastes differ, and I don't think that the words "win" or "lose" should mean ahything here...  :heh:
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #145 on: May 10 2006, 10:42 pm »
Yes, they are winning

Eh... I don't get it. What's the point of this COMPETITION? I mean, the only thing it shows is the quantity of SxS-fans and KxF-fans, and nothing more. Tastes differ, and I don't think that the words "win" or "lose" should mean ahything here... :heh:
that is true. But its fun
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #146 on: May 10 2006, 10:43 pm »
Eh... I don't get it. What's the point of this COMPETITION? I mean, the only thing it shows is the quantity of SxS-fans and KxF-fans, and nothing more. Tastes differ, and I don't think that the words "win" or "lose" should mean ahything here... :heh:
yeah, but of course you'd like to see your fave couple win, right? oh, Chiaki-san, you're a KuroFai fan, right?

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #147 on: May 10 2006, 11:08 pm »
i have to accept it...the true hurts >_>;;
fye and kuro are thousand better than syaoran and sakura u_u"
and i don't like FK that much ...even i'm a yaoi lover

i can't say anything else thatn yuki and jeannete already said xD

and i don't like sakura ...as yuki say is so weird that sakura trust in a total stranger for her,,that doesn't mean their relationship are getting grow or anything

fye and kuro relationship in other hand,,,is getting bigger and it cutter ((omg.. i said it >.< *gulp*))... and jeannete's pics talk by themselves

ok..no more KF thoughts for me u_u;;
O_O Omg, Pretty, you actually said it!? Yesh! *pumps arm in the air* Don't worry, I won't rub it in. ^^

I knew it... You guys are angry at me... Yes, I'm only 13, and I haven't gone as far as loving anyone other than Syaoran. I'm sorry, but I am an S+S fan, so nothing will convince me about F+K because I support S+S at the fullest. I didn't mean to make anyone angry, so please don't be angry at me. This is so depressing... I don't dislike F+K, just not used to yaoi yet. The only yaoi love I've seen is Touya and yukito.
Honey, we're not angry with you. It's hardly your fault that you're only 13. And it's perfectly possible to support both relationships. I do, I just prefer KuroFai. ^^
Eh... I don't get it. What's the point of this COMPETITION? I mean, the only thing it shows is the quantity of SxS-fans and KxF-fans, and nothing more. Tastes differ, and I don't think that the words "win" or "lose" should mean ahything here...  :heh:
Very true, but like they've said, it's fun. ^^
« Last Edit: May 11 2006, 12:29 am by Jeannette »
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #148 on: May 11 2006, 03:36 am »
Fun is good, it just seemed to me that the result was taken a little too seriouse. Never mind then :sweatdrop:

oh, Chiaki-san, you're a KuroFai fan, right?
Oh yes, I am :hello2:
 I also like SS, but not THAT much :D
« Last Edit: May 11 2006, 04:36 am by Chiaki »
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #149 on: May 11 2006, 03:45 am »
I knew it... You guys are angry at me... Yes, I'm only 13, and I haven't gone as far as loving anyone other than Syaoran. I'm sorry, but I am an S+S fan, so nothing will convince me about F+K because I support S+S at the fullest. I didn't mean to make anyone angry, so please don't be angry at me. This is so depressing... I don't dislike F+K, just not used to yaoi yet. The only yaoi love I've seen is Touya and yukito.

I think a more correct term for Touya and Yukito would be Shounen-ai. Orrr.. Fluff 

Hmm... S+S is winning? Well, I guess it was to be expected. And the battle is not over yet!

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #150 on: May 11 2006, 03:50 am »
I agree with Chiaki... All this poll shows is how many people like each couple... It's not about "accepting defeat gracefully" like someone on here just said and it's not about "winning or losing..."

Heck, even if I were the only one on the ENTIRE board to like KF and I was against thousands of S/S fans, sorry but S/S still puts me to sleep, still has no development or change in the whole manga, and it is still more boring than my Calculus 180 class. Which is very very boring.

So even if KF loses 35 to 100, S/S isn't going to be ANY more appealing to me.

((And to Lonely Werewolf, don't worry! XD We're not mad!! Only the beginning of my post was directed at you, and I was just annoyed that someone could limit relationships to physical things. The rest of the post was just in defense of KF's love being there and not being 100% fan made.))
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #151 on: May 11 2006, 04:11 am »
I was only joking with my accept defeat gracefully! That was why there was a LOL with it. If, as everyone it saying this is just a bit of fun, people need to relax a bit. I myself love both relationships and love the whole show in general. I don't think it would be as good a show without both the couples being there, it's what makes it so good. Who agrees with that? Oh and a bit of Mokana thrown in as well! (Can't forget him!)

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #152 on: May 11 2006, 04:56 am »
*sulk* we are 6 votes behind now...okay! :okay: good luck!

And that's why I like you kuro_woof-chan. You support K&F, but you won't get made at all of us Kurogane&Tomoyo fans. Thank you for being graceful with that. That deserves a cookie.

And I will admit, I actually don't like the Sakura&Syaoran relationship in Tsubasa. Not saying that I like the KuroxFai relationship. It's that they truly don't have any collaboration. I can't stand the fact that there are already 115 chapters in the manga, and their relationship hasn't changed since the journey began.

Now you all may wonder why I would even vote for S&S if I don't like them in Tsubasa. That's simple, CCS is forever my favorite anime. Nothing could possibly change it, and I absolutely LOVE the relationship in CCS between Sakura&Syaoran. They started out as enemies, then friends and finally a couple. Granted a very young couple, but at least it showed more interest than in Tsubasa.

I can't stand how CLAMP made Tsubasa as if saying, "You love S&S from CCS, so you're bound to love them in Tsubasa." Not for me. I need more intimacy, and more development, but what can you expect with a shounen manga? I will always prefer shoujo over shounen. More development and more growth. I will still support S&S for the sole reason that I loved them in CCS and that's the only tie I will have. Sounds pointless and shallow, I know, but that's my belief and my reasons.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #153 on: May 11 2006, 05:13 am »
sorry but S/S still puts me to sleep, still has no development or change in the whole manga, and it is still more boring than my Calculus 180 class. Which is very very boring.

So even if KF loses 35 to 100, S/S isn't going to be ANY more appealing to me.

Same here, even though I loved them in ccs, trc S&S are boring! They even bug me a bit because their relationhip is so obvious, and we get subtle as a brick reminders every three pages, yaawwn!
Even though I don't see F&K as a 'couple', they're much more interesting to me as new characters.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #154 on: May 11 2006, 06:35 am »
waah..competition sure is tight ^_^

I go with S+S..Just cause I'm not that much of an Yaoi Fan.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #155 on: May 11 2006, 07:09 am »
^i already said...that even i like yaoi i don't like FK that much.. but i voted it...because first they look cute together..and second..S+S couple..goes to nothing.... and i don't like sakura >_>;; poor syaran,.. he suffers a lot just because of her... grr.. in the fisrt episodes when she made cry syaran..i was so mad..and she is like omg..to many dishes to wash.. *faits*.. ok.. i now that she was weak cuz of the feathers thing blablabla..but ..hello.. washing dishes don't kill anybody..

I knew it... You guys are angry at me... Yes, I'm only 13, and I haven't gone as far as loving anyone other than Syaoran. I'm sorry, but I am an S+S fan, so nothing will convince me about F+K because I support S+S at the fullest. I didn't mean to make anyone angry, so please don't be angry at me. This is so depressing... I don't dislike F+K, just not used to yaoi yet. The only yaoi love I've seen is Touya and yukito.

*pats*.. we are not angry at you ^^;.. everybody already said that xD
and homo parings are so common... in real life and in anime....belive it or not..your neightbor could be gay o_o

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #156 on: May 11 2006, 10:06 am »
^ They are... Anyway, my vote's on SS of course. <3

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #157 on: May 11 2006, 12:22 pm »
gaa! 7 votes behind?! *sulk* KuroFai will  win!!

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #158 on: May 11 2006, 01:22 pm »
And I will admit, I actually don't like the Sakura&Syaoran relationship in Tsubasa. Not saying that I like the KuroxFai relationship. It's that they truly don't have any collaboration. I can't stand the fact that there are already 115 chapters in the manga, and their relationship hasn't changed since the journey began.

Now you all may wonder why I would even vote for S&S if I don't like them in Tsubasa. That's simple, CCS is forever my favorite anime. Nothing could possibly change it, and I absolutely LOVE the relationship in CCS between Sakura&Syaoran. They started out as enemies, then friends and finally a couple. Granted a very young couple, but at least it showed more interest than in Tsubasa.

I can't stand how CLAMP made Tsubasa as if saying, "You love S&S from CCS, so you're bound to love them in Tsubasa." Not for me. I need more intimacy, and more development, but what can you expect with a shounen manga? I will always prefer shoujo over shounen. More development and more growth. I will still support S&S for the sole reason that I loved them in CCS and that's the only tie I will have. Sounds pointless and shallow, I know, but that's my belief and my reasons.

I really respect you for saying (some of) this, moezy, really I do. And I don't find your reasons to continue to like the pairing shallow- people have a lot shallower reasons for liking or not liking a pairing. But the thing is, I find it sad that you seem to think that just because Tsubasa is supposedly shounen we don't have the right to expect more. I do expect more, actually- quite a lot more. It annoys the beejeezus out of me that Sakura does -nothing-, absolutely -nothing-. She sits and looks pretty and lets Syaoran save her, or if not Syaoran then Fai and Kurogane. I understand that she must be pretty confused and befuddled without her memories and one person can only do so much, but the strong Sakura from CCS would certainly be able to do more in this situation. Sakura has expressed frustration at not being able to do anything maybe once or twice in Tsubasa. Really, CLAMP seems to be bowing to old seixst fairy tales about the princess sitting in the tower being saved by the prince, never lifting a finger. -_- This to me is Tsubasa's biggest weakness, and I don't care that it's 'shounen,' it still weakens the series. CLAMP is perfectly capable of writing Sakura stronger in this series and incorporating more actual change and development in the Syaoran/Sakura relationship, and it annoys me that they don't. I do still enjoy TRC and think Syaoran and Sakura deserve to get married and have five kids and twenty grandkids, but the series does obviously have weaknesses.

Anywho, vote KuroFai, people! Are there any people on the forum who haven't voted, lol?
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #159 on: May 11 2006, 01:24 pm »
S+S are 8 votes ahead! Yipee!  :D
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