
Another popularity contest between the two most popular couple of TRC.

Sakura + Syaoran
124 (50%)
Fai + Kurogane
124 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 221

AuthorTopic: S+S or F+K?  (Read 258496 times)

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #200 on: May 13 2006, 02:08 pm »
Off-topic: Tenkouken-san, you're Filipino? Same here :) I can't read, speak, or write Tagalog, though. How depressing.

Anyway, I voted, but right after I couldn't talk about it because Sakaki locked the topic for cleaning. So anyway...

S+S FOR LIFE! Woot woot! *screams and dances*

You can't understand Filipino? :cry:

What is it with the SakuSyao pair? Is it because they're cute, people want them to be together for good (looks at avatar, shrugs head), or maybe people don't like male couples?

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #201 on: May 13 2006, 02:12 pm »
The poll isn't locked.
I had to lock the thread while I cleaned up after the guy who came through and posted
hateful things, but nothing is locked now, and the voting was never locked.

The voting will remain open since no time limit was set from the beginning. ^^

Ah! Arigatou for clearing that up, Sakaki-sama! :keke:

I do like male couples! Don't get me wrong, I love Kuro-Fai dearly, but S&S will always be number one for me :)
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #202 on: May 13 2006, 02:19 pm »
Still, a lovable couple like Kuro-pon and Fai is not really given attention, because everyone's looking at SakuSyao. Maybe it's because TRC is about SakuSyao in the long run.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #203 on: May 13 2006, 02:20 pm »
to mee S&S is too predictable. K&F you never know whats gonna happen, but you know its gonna be good ^_^
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #204 on: May 13 2006, 02:24 pm »
to mee S&S is too predictable. K&F you never know whats gonna happen, but you know its gonna be good ^_^

That's true. I admit F&K are a good team, and definitely a fine couple at that. So, I rephrase my old question: What is it with the SakuSyao pair? Is it because they're cute, people want them to be together for good (looks at avatar, shrugs head), or maybe people JUST AREN'T USED TO male couples?

If it turns out to be the latter, then it's clear who's going to win the poll.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #205 on: May 13 2006, 02:27 pm »
sometimes its the latter. but S&S have history. in CCS and TRC...people are used to them K&F are new to the CLAMP universe...but still, its easy to pick up on their relationsship...(i found a yoai fanfic that was written by someone who only read the first 2 vols...O.O very perceptive of them)
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #206 on: May 13 2006, 02:34 pm »
This is already WAY OFF TOPIC, but the SS vs FK poll is already becoming a study on gender sensitivity. But hey, if the KF pair picks up, it's going to revolutionize yaoi! :D

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #207 on: May 13 2006, 02:51 pm »
This is already WAY OFF TOPIC, but the SS vs FK poll is already becoming a study on gender sensitivity. But hey, if the KF pair picks up, it's going to revolutionize yaoi! :D

I don't think it's quite fair to say that the people who voted for Sakura/Syaoran are homophobic or not used to male couples...it's like saying that the people who voted for Fai and Kurogane are heterophobic! In this case, I think people just voted for the couple they prefer....simple as that.

For the most part, I agree that Sakura/Syaoran in TRC aren't as interesting as their CCS counterparts. But like another poster mentioned, they have a history behind them that their fans love. I, for one, am NOT a CLAMP fan...but I love CCS and Sakura/Syaoran. I love it when Syaoran blushes. I love it when he runs away. And i love it when he makes those utterly scary faces ( http://kss.mysticalaura.com/kss/scrap/sakura_journal5.jpg ) when he's jealous. They're just adorable, IMHO.

In the long run, it doesn't matter who wins. I'd be happy if S+S won, but that doesn't mean that they are superior to F+K. And likewise, if F+K won, it doesn't mean that it will 'revolutionize yaoi' or that they're a better couple. Usually, poll results only show how many fans are for the pairing in a particular area. Generally speaking, I think S+S might be more popular (in a worldwide scale) simply because people are familiar with CCS.

Doesn't matter in the long run. You like who you like and nothing's going to change that.
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #208 on: May 13 2006, 02:59 pm »
I don't think it's quite fair to say that the people who voted for Sakura/Syaoran are homophobic or not used to male couples...it's like saying that the people who voted for Fai and Kurogane are heterophobic! In this case, I think people just voted for the couple they prefer....simple as that.

For the most part, I agree that Sakura/Syaoran in TRC aren't as interesting as their CCS counterparts. But like another poster mentioned, they have a history behind them that their fans love. I, for one, am NOT a CLAMP fan...but I love CCS and Sakura/Syaoran. I love it when Syaoran blushes. I love it when he runs away. And i love it when he makes those utterly scary faces ( http://kss.mysticalaura.com/kss/scrap/sakura_journal5.jpg ) when he's jealous. They're just adorable, IMHO.

In the long run, it doesn't matter who wins. I'd be happy if S+S won, but that doesn't mean that they are superior to F+K. And likewise, if F+K won, it doesn't mean that it will 'revolutionize yaoi' or that they're a better couple. Usually, poll results only show how many fans are for the pairing in a particular area. Generally speaking, I think S+S might be more popular (in a worldwide scale) simply because people are familiar with CCS.

Doesn't matter in the long run. You like who you like and nothing's going to change that.

That was an excellent and well thoughout post saki-san. I couldn't have said it better myself. I look forward to seeing more of you on the forums.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #209 on: May 13 2006, 03:03 pm »
Thanks! I just think the poll shouldn't be taken so seriously, regardless of who won. :)
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #210 on: May 13 2006, 08:23 pm »
I made this poll because I wanted to see who's more popular, that's all. But the tension grew, and also the excitement, so I'm hooked~

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #211 on: May 13 2006, 10:25 pm »
I just think it's nice to see that KuroFai has a decent sized following! I do agree that this poll got a little bit...competitive.

I love both pairings, but over the two I prefer KuroFai. I still adore Syaoran and Sakura (and squealed like a moron in the middle of Pizza Hut when I read the 'Sakura kisses Syaoran's eye' scene in Volume 9.) but we've seen them before, and their relationship is slowly beginning to blossom. (Sakura appears to have a little bit of a crush on Syaoran at this point...at least, to me that's what it seems.) But Kurogane and Fai's relationship is...well. Boom. There's a helluva lotta interaction, and more than anything they make me laugh. The 'Yin and Yang' thing that CLAMP have done is brilliant, and I love watching their relationship develop, because although it often seems like it isn't going anywhere...they're in a completely different place now compared to what their relationship was when the manga started.

KuroFai love. <3

(Did I make sense there?)

But in all honesty...? If I could've, I would've voted for both. I love both pairings. <3

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #212 on: May 14 2006, 12:40 am »
Maybe I should have included a "BOTH" option. So many people like both. -_- Too late now.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #213 on: May 14 2006, 12:46 am »
Maybe I should have included a "BOTH" option. So many people like both. -_- Too late now.
Ya, that is what i would have voted ^_^
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #214 on: May 14 2006, 04:19 am »
SyaoSaku is cute but I'd rather go for something a new, something where you don't quite know if there's gonna be a happily ever after, true love forever thing at the end. Someone's already said this but, even though I do love SyaoSaku, I think that I like KuroFai more simply because Kurogane and Fai are such blatant opposites (but underneath it all they're not really that different) and that makes for interesting chemistry.

Maybe I should have included a "BOTH" option. So many people like both. -_- Too late now.

A 'both' option would be cheating and almost everyone would choose that option. We must fight it out to the bitter end, comrades! 

Still, a lovable couple like Kuro-pon and Fai is not really given attention, because everyone's looking at SakuSyao. Maybe it's because TRC is about SakuSyao in the long run.

I know we haven't got much info on their relationship yet but FaiAshura is an interesting possibility that seems to always be overlooked much more that KuroFai. (Even KuroTomo has a small following -_-). Oh no, I've given myself away with my off-topicness, I must flee!
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #215 on: May 14 2006, 11:25 am »
Ok then. S+S in the lead by 8 points!

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #216 on: May 14 2006, 07:30 pm »
^ (looks at poll) 10 points....

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #217 on: May 14 2006, 07:58 pm »
^ (looks at poll) 10 points....

Just a question...who is that in your avatar?
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #218 on: May 14 2006, 08:00 pm »
Just a question...who is that in your avatar?
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #219 on: May 14 2006, 11:02 pm »
yes, 10 points