
Another popularity contest between the two most popular couple of TRC.

Sakura + Syaoran
124 (50%)
Fai + Kurogane
124 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 221

AuthorTopic: S+S or F+K?  (Read 258265 times)

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #420 on: July 27 2006, 05:58 pm »
Yai!! 84!!! KF = 84

*faints* WHAT?!?! 99 = S+S just when hope is there...

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #421 on: July 27 2006, 07:50 pm »
Hmm, without getting too far off topic, I just want to comment a bit on what I said earlier about not just voting for 'shounen-ai'. I meant that people who vote KuroFai do so for a variety of reasons, that are usually pretty thought out. ^^

Kuro and Fai being a gay couple *does* make their relationship what it is though. The energy between them could only exist between them like that as males. If this were a straight couple, the whole relationship would be boring different. They wouldn't be KuroFai. So at the core, the fact that they are both the same sex is the driving force of their relationship.

Ah, and I just have to say, I think Fai is just as badass and 'guyish' as Kuro, in his own way. He has to be, or Kuro wouldn't be playing grabass with after him. ^_____^

^^;; Heh, back on topic... 84 votes for Kuro and Fai. XD

I agree with you here, Sakaki. Although I adore this pairing for a whole multitude of reasons aside from the shounen-ai aspect, the fact that both Kurogane and Fai are males does add a certain dynamic to their relationship. I would support the pairing wholeheartedly if Fai (or Kuro o.O) was female, as I feel the two would have chemistry in whatever form, but the relationship between them would change in some way if you were to change their gender. Granted, Fai is terribly effeminate (and I wouldn't have him any other way XD) but like you said, he is just as masculine as Kuro in his own way, it's part of who he is.

But I'd like to see a Female!Fai with a Male!Kurogane. Or any combination really.

And to keep my post a bit more on topic:

Don't think I ever said who I voted for, though I expect that's pretty obvious by now. :sweatdrop:

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #422 on: July 27 2006, 10:10 pm »
But I'd like to see a Female!Fai with a Male!Kurogane. Or any combination really.

I think there's a fic like that on the 30_smiles LJ community!

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #423 on: July 28 2006, 12:36 am »
I think there's a fic like that on the 30_smiles LJ community!

*starts sewing a modest K+F banner*

There is? Should be interesting, thanks Emiko!

*hands out KuroFai flyers*

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #424 on: July 30 2006, 01:19 am »
Before someone in a fanfiction entitled Fye as 'girlish' I'd never have thought of him being effeminate o.O" Gayish, yes, but still very male at the same time. So I just don't understand everyone ranting on and on about him being so female >-<"
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #425 on: July 30 2006, 01:31 am »
Before someone in a fanfiction entitled Fye as 'girlish' I'd never have thought of him being effeminate o.O" Gayish, yes, but still very male at the same time. So I just don't understand everyone ranting on and on about him being so female >-<"
I agree. I don't picture Fai as girly at all. One of my pet peeves is when people write/draw Fai in a woman's outfit (ie a miniskirt) No offense to those who draw/write Fai like that, but making Fai so feminine and womanly to me kinda ruins it. Fai is definitely a guy, despite the fact that he is maybe a little more... flamboyant than most. I don't know what I am talking about anymore, except that I don't like Fai in drag or portrayed as this uberpansy girl, even though he is the "mommy", he is still a man. The end.
« Last Edit: July 30 2006, 01:41 am by meliwan »

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #426 on: July 30 2006, 01:45 am »
That female!Fai fic is here. It's good as far as it goes. But yeah, I agree- Fai is a man, and very much so. Most female!Fai stuff gets on my nerves. I'ver read very little that's worthwhile.
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #427 on: July 30 2006, 01:56 am »
Ah, I know that fic. I have to say I don't like it very much. Or any female!Fye stories at all. It's just the fact they're both male that gives their relationship the saucy little touch it needs to be perfect.

If Fye was a woman, there would be a lot less tension in everything that happens between them. Here you always have to keep in mind: what if they actually got together? What would Syaoran and Sakura think? Can they afford at all to be involved with each other? What will happen if they come together? They whole stuff that comes in naturally if you have a love between two characters of the same gender. It's just a whole lot different if a boy and a girl become a couple or two mature enough men who both have their stories.
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #428 on: July 30 2006, 02:11 am »
Thanks for the link Jeanette. I've never actually come across anything with female!Fai, and I would be interested to see whether it would work. I dunno, maybe I'm way off about them working as a het couple...

That was a little different from what I expected. It was good but something did feel... a little off. Maybe I've been reading too much slash lately. Bad fangirl. There is no such thing.
« Last Edit: July 30 2006, 02:34 am by Sanmine »

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #429 on: July 30 2006, 03:00 am »
*pops in late*

What I think is funny about femme!Fay is that if Fay was a girl, it would be an absolute given that (s)he and Kurogane would end up together, what with their interaction. But I agree, there's always just something that bugs me about Fay crossdressing. It just...doesn't look right. (Besides, if Fay was a girl, he'd probably be a lot less entertaining. There are a lot of girls that act like him, but not many guys, so that's kind of what makes it so appealing, too. To me at least.)
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #430 on: July 30 2006, 03:39 am »
I agree. I don't picture Fai as girly at all. One of my pet peeves is when people write/draw Fai in a woman's outfit (ie a miniskirt) No offense to those who draw/write Fai like that, but making Fai so feminine and womanly to me kinda ruins it. Fai is definitely a guy, despite the fact that he is maybe a little more... flamboyant than most. I don't know what I am talking about anymore, except that I don't like Fai in drag or portrayed as this uberpansy girl, even though he is the "mommy", he is still a man. The end.

What she said. Fai may be practically the definition of flamboyant, but he's not really effeminate. He doesn't even look that girly, particularly compared to other anime characters (like...Kakyou, let's say).  Femme!Fai just...irks me.

This thread goes off-topic really easily, doesn't it? Anyway...I see the logic to KuroFai, but everytime I've almost been convinced by the brilliant arguments of our lovely KuroFai fangirls, I remember that these are Fai and Kurogane we're talking about, and I just think "...No. Doesn't work for me." On the other hand, KuroFai and SyaoSaku being thought of as equally canon, I would like them and dislike them equally. So...I'm kind of holding out to see if CLAMP does something really good with KuroFai. This poll has no indecisive answer. T.T
« Last Edit: July 30 2006, 09:06 pm by Capella »
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #431 on: July 30 2006, 04:12 am »
Ah, it's getting way off-topic. I think we better move away from Fai's manhood before Kuro gets pissed and storms the place. ^^;;

Heh, back to the poll...

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #432 on: July 30 2006, 07:49 am »
I agree. I don't picture Fai as girly at all. One of my pet peeves is when people write/draw Fai in a woman's outfit (ie a miniskirt) No offense to those who draw/write Fai like that, but making Fai so feminine and womanly to me kinda ruins it. Fai is definitely a guy, despite the fact that he is maybe a little more... flamboyant than most. I don't know what I am talking about anymore, except that I don't like Fai in drag or portrayed as this uberpansy girl, even though he is the "mommy", he is still a man. The end.
the you weouldnt like this one fic idea i came up with where fai has to dress like a woman to protect sakura XD [in a world where men are not very welcome ^^.]
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #433 on: July 30 2006, 12:30 pm »
Chapitre 27 tagline: "Two unlucky fellows cross paths... Is this a joke played by fate... or an unavoidable destiny?"

This thread goes off-topic really easily, doesn't it? Anyway...I see the logic to KuroFai, but everytime I've almost been convinced by the brilliant arguments of our lovely KuroFai fangirls, I remember that these are Fai and Kurogane we're talking about, and I just think "...No. Doesn't work for me."

Hmm... I'm wondering what exactly you mean. Why doesn't it work for you? XD I don't think that's off-topic.
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #434 on: July 30 2006, 01:32 pm »
Chapitre 27 tagline: "Two unlucky fellows cross paths... Is this a joke played by fate... or an unavoidable destiny?"

Yeah, I remember reading the tagline for that chapter and letting out a Tomoyo "ohohohoho" or two XD

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #435 on: July 30 2006, 07:42 pm »
Chapitre 27 tagline: "Two unlucky fellows cross paths... Is this a joke played by fate... or an unavoidable destiny?"

*Tomoyo laugh* Ohohohoho. I never knew that was what that said...because Del Ray don't keep in the Chapitre taglines...


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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #436 on: July 30 2006, 10:03 pm »

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #437 on: July 31 2006, 03:33 pm »
That's 101. Hmm... Catch up, KF fans.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #438 on: July 31 2006, 11:58 pm »
when will this ever end? did anybody wonder if there was anyone who voted twice or even more?

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #439 on: August 01 2006, 12:01 am »
I don't think the poll lets you vote twice...
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