
Another popularity contest between the two most popular couple of TRC.

Sakura + Syaoran
124 (50%)
Fai + Kurogane
124 (50%)

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AuthorTopic: S+S or F+K?  (Read 258191 times)

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #500 on: August 17 2006, 06:44 am »
To tell you the truth, the only character I actually cared about while I was first reading this series was Fai, none of the others sparked my interest in the least.  You could tell there was more to Fai's smiling face from the beginning.  Everyone has two faces, you know. ^_^

Kurogane gradually grew on me, and when the Tokyo arc started the series actually thoroughly hooked me.  I had read Cardcaptor Sakura prior to Tsubasa, but I didn't care for the same characters all that much when I read Tsubasa.  I actually only flipped through the first chapter, left it alone for months, and only came back to the series after I read xxxHolic.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #501 on: August 17 2006, 11:20 am »
Fai and Kurogane aren't the only characters original to Tsubasa...But anyhow, eh. I've always been just as interested (and sometimes more interested) in the crossover characters and their different lives in different worlds as in the TRC-originals, even before I knew who all of them were (when I read the first volume the only one I knew was Chii). They're all equally characters of this series, in my view. I don't think only the new characters add new things - the settings, the plot itself, the actions and interactions of all the different characters are original to this series, even if the names and faces aren't. (I'll say that Koriyo was an exception.)

...Which I guess kind of relates to my lack of preference between the two poll options.
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #502 on: August 18 2006, 03:13 am »
don't worry,i didn't say that the others characters were useless,but we get accustomed to them so CLAMP needed to include new characters to attract some new fans  :keke:!
but Tsubasa is also a way to honored Shaolan and Sakura relationship,because many fans have been frustrated that in CCS there have been so less explicit revelation between their love,for once that it wasn't a yaoi pairing  :haha:!
what i really like about their relationship in Tsubasa is that CLAMP is leadind their feellings to another limit,this isn't anymore just a love bond,but rather a bold miscellany of desire,devotion,and sacrifice.
their platonic love in CCS has been improved to a closer body caring (Shaolan and Sakura are often hand to hand or in each others arms  :okay:)

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #503 on: August 19 2006, 09:04 pm »
don't worry,i didn't say that the others characters were useless,but we get accustomed to them so CLAMP needed to include new characters to attract some new fans  :keke:!
but Tsubasa is also a way to honored Shaolan and Sakura relationship,because many fans have been frustrated that in CCS there have been so less explicit revelation between their love,for once that it wasn't a yaoi pairing  :haha:!
what i really like about their relationship in Tsubasa is that CLAMP is leadind their feellings to another limit,this isn't anymore just a love bond,but rather a bold miscellany of desire,devotion,and sacrifice.
their platonic love in CCS has been improved to a closer body caring (Shaolan and Sakura are often hand to hand or in each others arms  :okay:)

True... And that's simply because SakuSyao is canon whichever side you look at it. It's nice to see the SakuSyao relationship actually advancing to a tragic yet hopeful growth in TRC. Then again we now have TWO Syaorans to worry about...

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #504 on: August 19 2006, 09:49 pm »
according to the glance that real shaolan gives to Sakura in the lastest chapter,i think that he is feeling very disappointed,becasue if he hadn't been kidnapped as a child and jailed in a tub by Fei Wong Reed during all his childhood,it would have been HIM who ended up with this Sakura,and no his clone  :(!

to a certain extent,Clone Shalan took Real Shaolan place in Sakura's heart,while this one should have be the one to have growned up by her side  :surprised:!

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #505 on: August 21 2006, 12:37 am »
teehees KuroFye seems to be catching up... Dun worry SxS, even though your relationship is real twisted right now we still love you!

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #506 on: August 21 2006, 03:17 am »
teehees KuroFye seems to be catching up... Dun worry SxS, even though your relationship is real twisted right now we still love you!

hum,actually there is one more vote for SxS since this last two days  :sweatdrop:...someome must have betrayed us,i'm going to investigate in the name of the Mokona's kidnappers guild  :okay:
« Last Edit: August 23 2006, 11:04 pm by Tatasenko »

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #507 on: August 23 2006, 07:53 pm »
XD XD XD. With the events of 126 popping out, I think those anticipatiing further development of the KuroFai pairing will be disappointed.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #508 on: August 23 2006, 11:12 pm »
hum,Kurogane and Fai don't need a blood bond to be togeher  :sweatdrop:!
of course it's hurt to know that as soon as Fai will get back his left eye and magic his blood vampire and so as well his link with Kurogane will be nullified,but in some ways it proves something undeniable  :wink: :
the fact that Kurogane has accepted to become Fai's prey for the rest of his life without even knowing that there was a way to cancel the spell means that his life has no sense without Fai by his side  :keke:

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #509 on: August 23 2006, 11:32 pm »
XD XD XD. With the events of 126 popping out, I think those anticipatiing further development of the KuroFai pairing will be disappointed.

You know, that's not very nice.  We are dissapointed that the bond is not quite what it seemed, but I don't see why that makes you so very happy.  I didn't see any K/F people in this thread a few chapters ago, saying, ":D Syaoran is going away, looks like there won't be any action with them for a while!"
That's because we don't feel that way. We all love S+S also, we just find K+F more interesting.  There's no reason to be petty about it...

Besides, further development will happen, vampire or not.

Edit: wait, you're a K/F fan?  Confused by your post....

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #510 on: August 24 2006, 04:02 am »
the fact that Kurogane has accepted to become Fai's prey for the rest of his life without even knowing that there was a way to cancel the spell means that his life has no sense without Fai by his side :keke:

I love your post. Even if the 'blood bond' can be broken, Kurogane didn't know that at the time and that says a lot. The 'blood bond' being broken might end up to be a blessing because now if they end up staying together in the end, it won't be because Fai will die otherwise but because they WANT to be together.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #511 on: August 24 2006, 06:06 am »
i agere. the fact that kurogane swallowed his pride and asked the one person he hates in the univers the most for help, accepted the terms of being tied to fai, as his prey for the rest of his life with out hesitating, AND what he said to fai (the threat was sincere...he didnt want fai to die becausee he wanted to die), says ALOT about how kuro feels about fai.
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #512 on: August 24 2006, 09:13 am »
yeah,kurogane decided to link himself to Fai because this one wasn't able to take care himself of his life,totally oppressed by his past,and scared by the future  :(...
until then Fai was totally lost and needed someome to take him by the hand,he was only living for being "useful" for the others,so Kurogane forced him to stay alive to prove him that his life was much more important than a mere object,and that he would never be alone again because now he was there to watch over him  :keke:

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #513 on: August 24 2006, 11:20 am »
Mm.... There were KuroFai developments, in 124-126, and now there's a smidge of R!SyaoranxSakura development in 126.

For me, the S+S development is a bigger jump in that R!S was a bit single-minded up till recently. Now all of a sudden, there's affection. (Or at least pity, but it's something. T_T) There's hope for them, yet.
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #514 on: August 24 2006, 11:35 am »
You have to be awful familiar with someone to wipe the icky dried tears off their face, don't you think (unless you're Subaru...).  I don't think it is something R!Syaoran would do for a stranger... I really want to know what the nature of his relationship is with Sakura, whether this one or a different one!

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #515 on: August 24 2006, 11:40 am »
I agree... I want CLAMP to reveal a lot more about Real Syaoran... it's just making me all confused now. I can see Real Syaoran cares about Sakura... but what does Sakura think about him? Is it even possible for her to fall in love with Real Syaoran, seeing as it looked like she's still attached to Clone Syaoran (by her telling Real Syaoran not to kill him and then telling him not to go)...

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #516 on: August 24 2006, 03:05 pm »
I don't want R!S to be paired with Sakura because, even if he has been watching all these years, he is NOT the one who has been with her.  C!S is the one who earned her love and truely loved her in return and I DO believe that the love he gained for Sakura is still there somewhere, even without R!S's heart.

I think that C!S will eventually return to normal and Sakura and hime will be reunited.  As for R!S...not sure.  I just wouldn't feel like the story was being fair if R!S ended up with Sakura.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #517 on: August 24 2006, 10:50 pm »
I don't want R!S to be paired with Sakura because, even if he has been watching all these years, he is NOT the one who has been with her. C!S is the one who earned her love and truely loved her in return and I DO believe that the love he gained for Sakura is still there somewhere, even without R!S's heart.

I think that C!S will eventually return to normal and Sakura and hime will be reunited. As for R!S...not sure. I just wouldn't feel like the story was being fair if R!S ended up with Sakura.

I'm definitely with you on that one... I also think it's unfair to have Real Syaoran suddenly take over Clow Syaoran, regardless that he might have really been the one for Sakura. Clow Syaoran was the one who was with Sakura for so long, Sakura fell in love with him... you can tell that she still cares about him, regardless that he turned to his clone programming.

So unless Real Syaoran's background explains a lot more about himself and it does seem like he's really meant for her, then maybe I might believe it. But for now... it's definitely a no.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #518 on: August 24 2006, 11:09 pm »
I'm definitely with you on that one... I also think it's unfair to have Real Syaoran suddenly take over Clow Syaoran, regardless that he might have really been the one for Sakura. Clow Syaoran was the one who was with Sakura for so long, Sakura fell in love with him... you can tell that she still cares about him, regardless that he turned to his clone programming.

So unless Real Syaoran's background explains a lot more about himself and it does seem like he's really meant for her, then maybe I might believe it. But for now... it's definitely a no.

i'm for C!Syaoran since there is not much information for R!Syaoran for now..

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #519 on: August 25 2006, 06:58 am »
Real Shaolan and Clone Shaolan share the same personnality,the only difference between them is their past  :keke:.
so the two Shaolans have to both love Sakura,the only problem is that one of the two shoudn't exist  :sweatdrop:!
they came from the same dimension,but the natural Shaolan has been replaced by a creation of Fei Wong Reed,so Sakura didn't meet her logical soulmate  :surprised:

remenber Sorata and Arashi,whatever their dimensions,their lives or their kind of relationship,they always ended up together,which means that even if chance has separated Sakura and Real Shaolan for a long time,Fate finally brought them together  :okay:

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