
Another popularity contest between the two most popular couple of TRC.

Sakura + Syaoran
124 (50%)
Fai + Kurogane
124 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 221

AuthorTopic: S+S or F+K?  (Read 258281 times)

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Offline Yummy Candy Bear

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #580 on: August 28 2006, 09:23 pm »
I voted for S and S couple. Not because I love that couple ( that's maybe tyrue in CCS, but not in TRC -_-) but because it's impossible for K and F to be a couple. It's not that I go against  yaoi thingy but yeah they come from different worlds. " Two words can't be combined by the love of pepple come from each world because the world would move on." May be the Japan of Kurogane came from is the future ( or the past) world of Fye.
I agree... it might be possible that Sakura might wish for something from Yuuko. That girl has always been wanting to do something... hopefully after she wakes up, she will do something and it's possible she might make a wish from Yuuko.
I think Yuuko has a purpose in making the wish and taking memories of Syaoran in Sakura's mind. I don't think they would be together at all. o______O

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #581 on: August 28 2006, 09:33 pm »
I voted for S and S couple. Not because I love that couple ( that's maybe tyrue in CCS, but not in TRC -_-) but because it's impossible for K and F to be a couple. It's not that I go against yaoi thingy but yeah they come from different worlds. " Two words can't be combined by the love of pepple come from each world because the world would move on." May be the Japan of Kurogane came from is the future ( or the past) world of Fye.

I'm sorry, but I don't understand your argument. Why does originally coming from different worlds mean that Kurogane and Fai can't be a couple? It's not as if they want to combine their worlds - Fai doesn't want to be in his world at all, and they aren't exactly carrying their countries with them. There's no rule that says they both have to return to the places they came from when the series ends - I'd actually really like it if they did, but it isn't guaranteed at any point. And besides
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if they did separate, that would have to be after Fai got his eye back, since until/unless that happens, he depends on Kurogane for survival.
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #582 on: August 28 2006, 09:42 pm »
I didn't say they have to come back to their world. I mean they come from different worlds, different times, different dimensions right? If they fall in love, and married and have children blah blah blah  :rotfl:, the future ( or that past) would be changed. Who knows? Maybe Fye's Kurogane's son or brother or something like that. Yuuko has said everything in this world was tied together. It must be a connection between them when they were suddenly thrown to other world together...

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #583 on: August 28 2006, 10:23 pm »
I didn't say they have to come back to their world. I mean they come from different worlds, different times, different dimensions right? If they fall in love, and married and have children blah blah blah :rotfl:, the future ( or that past) would be changed. Who knows? Maybe Fye's Kurogane's son or brother or something like that. Yuuko has said everything in this world was tied together. It must be a connection between them when they were suddenly thrown to other world together...
...the worlds are quite seperate unless someone deliberately uses magic to cross over. You can't change the future cause it hasn't happen yet. The most you can do is change a *possible* future. And how does this relate to KuroFai? I still can't make sense of your reasoning, sorry. Please try to be more clear?

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #584 on: August 28 2006, 10:28 pm »
I didn't say they have to come back to their world. I mean they come from different worlds, different times, different dimensions right? If they fall in love, and married and have children blah blah blah , the future ( or that past) would be changed. Who knows? Maybe Fye's Kurogane's son or brother or something like that. Yuuko has said everything in this world was tied together. It must be a connection between them when they were suddenly thrown to other world together...

I understand you better now. However, I don't think the past or future would necessarily be changed if they got together, since we don't know the past or future of their worlds, it's entirely possible that Kurogane and Fai were "fated" to leave their worlds and meet. In fact, according to Yuuko's hitsuzen, that would have to be the case. If it were not meant to happen in their country's history or whatnot, it wouldn't have happened. Unlike the time change in Shura/Shara, Kurogane and Fai's departures were caused entirely by factors from within their own worlds, and there's no reason that things would have gone differently.

Kurogane and Fai's countries are very different, so I don't think they could be related closely even if the two countries actually existed in the same world.  If a problem like that did come up, it would be a HUGE twist. It could possibly be true, but isn't hinted by anything in canon, so I don't think it stops KuroFai from being a canon couple.
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #585 on: August 28 2006, 10:38 pm »
Ah, I think I get it now. But if you follow that line of reasoning S/S is not possible too. Clone Syaoran was sent to Clow from FWR dimension. Real Syaoran is from somewhere else - I guess he still might be from the same world, - but then why hadn't Cloney stumble to someone who knew Real Syaoran when he did all that travelling with Fujitaka?
Sorry, its an interesting theory but I don't think it works.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #586 on: August 28 2006, 11:18 pm »
I voted for S and S couple. Not because I love that couple ( that's maybe tyrue in CCS, but not in TRC -_-) but because it's impossible for K and F to be a couple. It's not that I go against yaoi thingy but yeah they come from different worlds. " Two words can't be combined by the love of pepple come from each world because the world would move on." May be the Japan of Kurogane came from is the future ( or the past) world of Fye.

I think Yuuko has a purpose in making the wish and taking memories of Syaoran in Sakura's mind. I don't think they would be together at all. o______O

Ok, is it me, Yummy Candy Bear, or are you saying neither Kurogane and Fye or Sakura and Syaoran in TRC will get together?

Even though I support S+S, I also think your reasoning for supporting S+S and not supporting K+F does not makes sense to me...

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #587 on: August 28 2006, 11:47 pm »
AH!O.O I was too late to vote... (or did I vote already...O.o)
Well, I would've voted for Sakura and Syaoran of course, in both series. I dont find KxF discusting, it's just funny how Fai makes it look so canon!^_^~

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #588 on: August 28 2006, 11:58 pm »
AH!O.O I was too late to vote... (or did I vote already...O.o)
Well, I would've voted for Sakura and Syaoran of course, in both series. I dont find KxF discusting, it's just funny how Fai makes it look so canon!^_^~

Fai doesn't make it look canon, it IS canon ^_~ And it's a simple thing that pretty much proves it - only a simple, logical conclusion, you don't need to be fangirl to get the hint. Just think about this:
Yuuko mentions in Holic that the price of a wish depends on its significance to the one who made the wish. When Kurogane wished for Fai's life to be saved, Yuuko said he wouldn't be able to pay the price. This already says quite a lot, hm? But let's go further into detail. There are only two things for Kurogane he can't pay: his life (Yuuko doesn't except life as a currency) and his return home (a wish that's been made earlier is not to be cancelled by a later wish). Means: Fai is to him at least just as or even more important than both his own life and the return to Japan.

This is something even anti KF people can't whipe aside so easily because it's simply logical. And if
someone is more worth to you than even your own life, it usually is called love. Period.
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #589 on: August 29 2006, 12:22 am »
This is something even anti KF people can't whipe aside so easily because it's simply logical. And if someone is more worth to you than even your own life, it usually is called love. Period.

True. But one could argue, if one cared to (and I don't), about what kind of "love" it is. Kurogane and Fai obviously both love Syaoran and Sakura as well as each other. Kurogane loves Tomoyo in his way. Obviously it isn't romantic love in all these cases. Maybe it isn't romantic love in any of them. And I guess that's where the disagreements lie. I actually think CLAMP's "most precious person" thing would make things clearer now.
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #590 on: August 29 2006, 08:24 am »
True. But one could argue, if one cared to (and I don't), about what kind of "love" it is. Kurogane and Fai obviously both love Syaoran and Sakura as well as each other. Kurogane loves Tomoyo in his way. Obviously it isn't romantic love in all these cases. Maybe it isn't romantic love in any of them. And I guess that's where the disagreements lie. I actually think CLAMP's "most precious person" thing would make things clearer now.
syao and saku's love is "pure and inocent" kuro and fai's love is far deeper and complicated tehn that.. its more chemical then syao+saku's. Syao and saku are obviously meant for eachother, while kuro and fai, their personalities are SO oposite, that their feelings for eachother have a rather deeper meaning then S+S does.
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #591 on: August 29 2006, 08:31 am »
syao and saku's love is "pure and inocent" kuro and fai's love is far deeper and complicated tehn that.. its more chemical then syao+saku's. Syao and saku are obviously meant for eachother, while kuro and fai, their personalities are SO oposite, that their feelings for eachother have a rather deeper meaning then S+S does.
you've all the reason. S&S love is so tender, but KF is love much deeper and adult, obviously. Although, I keep on with S&S :heh:

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #592 on: August 29 2006, 08:46 am »
AH!O.O I was too late to vote... (or did I vote already...O.o)
Well, I would've voted for Sakura and Syaoran of course, in both series. I dont find KxF discusting, it's just funny how Fai makes it look so canon!^_^~

They are Canon lol and they are so like  :inlove:   :sweatdrop:

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #593 on: August 30 2006, 05:11 pm »
ok! 7 votes behind! we're slowly cathin up!! *cheers KF* GO1 GO1 KUROFAI!!! let's beat S+S!! :lol:

yesh! yesh! they are canon!!! KF is canon! the word canon was made JUST FOR KuroFai!!! :XD:

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #594 on: August 30 2006, 06:39 pm »
Go S+S! *waves the S+S flag* Well someone needs to do it!

I tell you, we need more members for the S+S club... >_< So many have gone.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #595 on: August 30 2006, 10:08 pm »
*waves S+S flag too*
am i recruited?! hahax..

jiayou S+S!! (chinese for GO S+S!!)

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #596 on: August 30 2006, 10:32 pm »
Of course! You're definitely an official S+S club member in CW! ^^ In fact, I don't think there's any need for all of that, as long as you're a die hard fan of S+S, then you're an official member already. ^^ Lol!!!!

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #597 on: August 30 2006, 10:50 pm »
Of course! You're definitely an official S+S club member in CW! ^^ In fact, I don't think there's any need for all of that, as long as you're a die hard fan of S+S, then you're an official member already. ^^ Lol!!!!
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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #598 on: August 30 2006, 11:02 pm »
I'm an FK fan. I have nothing against SS because that's why I started reading the manga.
In fact, I love Syaoran, I think he's a very cute character. Corageous and kind- yet I couldn't help falling in love with the characters of Fye and Kurogane.
SS is lovely but FK is beautiful in my opinion.

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Re: S+S or F+K?
« Reply #599 on: August 30 2006, 11:07 pm »
Count me in. X3

Yay!!! ^^ *glomps* Let's all meet up in the Official S+S thread and come up with some plans to keep S+S alive? ^^

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