CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 3: The Goal of Glory

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Brad? Could you edit your post to have a spoiler tag? Some might not yet know who the saboteur is. ^^'
But yeah, it was quite a shock when I found out in the manga.
Show contentI loved Kyle in Jade. And I hoped he hadn't died. And then he showed up again! Yaaay! At first, I also thought Jade country was his home. But now I'm not sure anymore. He could be from Fei Wong Reed's world...

He looks so much better in the second season. In the first season, there was something wrong with his shoulders... O_o


--- Quote from: Meowzy on May 15 2006, 12:30 am ---Brad? Could you edit your post to have a spoiler tag? Some might not yet know who the saboteur is. ^^'
But yeah, it was quite a shock when I found out in the manga.
Show contentI loved Kyle in Jade. And I hoped he hadn't died. And then he showed up again! Yaaay! At first, I also thought Jade country was his home. But now I'm not sure anymore. He could be from Fei Wong Reed's world...

He looks so much better in the second season. In the first season, there was something wrong with his shoulders... O_o
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Okay, if you think it's needed. I thought since this thread was about this episode that events in this episode weren't considered spoilers? Who would read this thread if they didn't want to talk about the episode???

But will edit it.


--- Quote from: Kuro-puppy on May 15 2006, 10:22 pm ---or people who are downloading the RAW as we speak, now i already now who did it before even watching the episode! :dodge:

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But isn't it an awesome twist?
Show contentKyle can now be classified as a Tsubasa villian, and therefore he's now my favourite villian! He beats Fei Wong and Xing what'shername any day! He also beats fat moustache guy. And if that Syaoran were evil, I'd still say Kyle is a cooler villain. But if Ashura turns out to be a villian too, it would make things tougher. I'm not sure who'd be cooler, because we don't know anything about Ashura's personality yet...


--- Quote from: Meowzy on May 16 2006, 12:28 am ---But isn't it an awesome twist?

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yeah it was!

Show contentI liked the KuroXTomoyo scenes a lot, and Sakura is finally becoming more like her old CCS self

--- Quote from: -.CheRrYPriNcesS.- on May 16 2006, 12:39 am ---does anyone has the subbed version... i can't understand japanese... and i'm dying to see this chapter :sad5:

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hasn't been subbed yet, i'll put it up in my downloads topic when it's subbed

Be patient. It'll come out in time. In the mean time, you could get desperate like me and watch the RAW and play, "What are they saying, and I can I understand them?!" I can understand most of it, with help from the events, but not all. It's enough to satisfy me. All in all, I think it was a good episode. For once, Sakura took charge! You go girl!


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