AuthorTopic: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 3: The Goal of Glory  (Read 19674 times)

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 3: The Goal of Glory
« Reply #20 on: May 17 2006, 11:50 am »
Am I the only one who was disappointed with the animation in this episode? I thought the animation went greatly down hill after episode 1 and 2.  The shape of the face of the characters were... i dunno what other words to use than "messed up". And the mouths... they were weird chaped triangles the whole time...  it's like they were smirking the whole time or something. Kurogane especially looked weird... and Tomoyo's animation quality dropped to (except Tomoyo-hime, she looked pretty ^_^ )

Overall, I liked the episode. The pace was good and as much as I was disappointed that they changed many things, I have to accept that anime is different from manga.

What I'm not looking forward is next week's episode... it's a filler episode, back to the country in episode 26. Returning to country they've been before... something tells me it's a bad idea...

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 3: The Goal of Glory
« Reply #21 on: May 17 2006, 12:01 pm »
this ep was okay -_-;; i didn't like it how they deviated from the original plot
i can't believe they're making the fourth episode of the new series a FILLER. HELLO BEETRAIN! MOST of the people [here] who watch Tsubasa Chronicles also reads the manga, and [agrees with Mina-san] returning to another world is not very smart..except maybe in Sharra country ^^
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to see what happened after syaoran changed the past

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 3: The Goal of Glory
« Reply #22 on: May 18 2006, 01:10 am »
Am I the only one who was disappointed with the animation in this episode? I thought the animation went greatly down hill after episode 1 and 2. The shape of the face of the characters were... i dunno what other words to use than "messed up". And the mouths... they were weird chaped triangles the whole time... it's like they were smirking the whole time or something. Kurogane especially looked weird... and Tomoyo's animation quality dropped to (except Tomoyo-hime, she looked pretty ^_^ )


What I'm not looking forward is next week's episode... it's a filler episode, back to the country in episode 26. Returning to country they've been before... something tells me it's a bad idea...

It's really the same country? I thought it was just similar...

Edit: I saw the preview for episode 5. IT'S ANOTHER FILLER!!! >_<
I wonder if that means episode 6 (the magician and the date) is a filler too. Oh, I hope it has to do with Fai and Kurogane! That would make all the KuroxFai shippers very happy! ^_^
« Last Edit: May 20 2006, 09:21 pm by Meowzy »

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 3: The Goal of Glory
« Reply #23 on: May 23 2006, 11:53 am »
« Last Edit: May 23 2006, 12:20 pm by sanlyn »


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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 3: The Goal of Glory
« Reply #24 on: May 23 2006, 01:24 pm »
OMG OMG OMG!!! Arigatou gozaimas sanlyn-sama! That more than deserves a cookie!

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 3: The Goal of Glory
« Reply #25 on: May 23 2006, 01:51 pm »
OMG OMG OMG!!! Arigatou gozaimas sanlyn-sama! That more than deserves a cookie!

certainly *throws cookie*
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 3: The Goal of Glory
« Reply #26 on: May 23 2006, 06:03 pm »
mokona looks really weird...was it just me or did he look like an egg, and his jewel twice the size of the top of his head??
i heard some more new music ^^ when syao and ryou were fighting that guy
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i LOVED the look on kuro's face during the kuro-tomo moment. you can see he misses her, ^-^ kuro-pon is so cool :keke:
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 3: The Goal of Glory
« Reply #27 on: May 23 2006, 06:07 pm »
TRC episode 29 has been added for direct downloads....

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 3: The Goal of Glory
« Reply #28 on: May 24 2006, 01:22 am »
I got very annoyed with some of the animation in this episode >__<

all characters looked strange, except Tomoyo, she looked ok pretty much all of the time.
The eyes, the face shapes... have Bee train got lazy?

Now is it me, or is Syoaran starting to look and act less and less like manga Syaoran?
It seems to me (and maybe it's just me) they animate him worse and worse and his character is so serious ALL the time ¬___¬ 
He needs different emotions
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After Sakura won the race, I thought he might have a cute little comment, but No, he turns and has to say something deadly serious ;___;

There was one shot where he actually looked like Syaoran, when Tomoyo said thank you. that was pretty much it.

sorry to be so cinical ^^;

Hmm, one positive comment
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I liked the scene between Tomoyo-hime and Tomoyo, it was pretty ^__^
and one still of Sakura hugging Mokona after she won, that was cute too

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 3: The Goal of Glory
« Reply #30 on: May 24 2006, 11:49 pm »
I really liked this episode a lot, but I haven't read the manga version of it yet, so I don't know how it compares to the manga.  Anyway, I liked how they gave Sakura more of an active role this time around instead of having her always be the damsel in distress.  I hope they'll continue to give her more of an active role in future episodes, too.  The identity of the saboteur was pretty predictable, but wasn't predictable was
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Tomoyo's dream at the end of the episode.  It was great seeing Tomoyohime again and I thought the ending to that episode where Kurogane and Tomoyo are standing next to each other like that and Kurogane pulls his hand away when she tries to help him was really cute.  I wonder....if Tomoyohime can send people to other worlds and contact people in other worlds, can Yukito from Sakura's world do the same thing?
  It's disappointing that the next episode is a filler-in but not really all that surprising, either.  Unfortunately, I never liked Tsubasa's filler-ins, but so far I've enjoyed the second season a lot more than the first, so here's hoping it'll at least be a pretty decent filler-in.
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 3: The Goal of Glory
« Reply #31 on: May 25 2006, 05:16 am »
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Tomoyo's dream at the end of the episode.  It was great seeing Tomoyohime again and I thought the ending to that episode where Kurogane and Tomoyo are standing next to each other like that and Kurogane pulls his hand away when she tries to help him was really cute.  I wonder....if Tomoyohime can send people to other worlds and contact people in other worlds, can Yukito from Sakura's world do the same thing?

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yukito probably could...he's a pretty powerful preist. he knew about yuuko, that she would be the one to help syaoran, so he's probaly spoken to her once before. (plus in ep 4 of season 2, they showed everyone with dimension traveling power, he was included. [tho fai wasnt...not fair...)
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 3: The Goal of Glory
« Reply #32 on: May 25 2006, 04:40 pm »
Totally agree that the animation looks really weird...I think all of the characters look weird...and Ryuooh fangs are too annoying...
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I'm disappointed that they left out Sakura's will to stay awake to thank Tomoyo properly...but I'm glad they at least kept the Kurogane-Tomoyo scene...although Kurogane's face looked really bad (his eyes were totally weird) when Tomoyo said she's gonna tell Tomoyo-hime that Kuro's definitely going back

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 3: The Goal of Glory
« Reply #33 on: May 25 2006, 05:10 pm »
I thought this episode was the worst so far. I didn't like the way the anime handled Piffle world, it seemed way too rushed and compacted into too few episodes for it to even retain a semblance of what it was in the manga. It might be unfair of me to compare the manga to the anime, but they should have at least tried to keep the story a little closer.

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Is the bad moustache guy who was messing with the race the same old moustache  guy we see in Jade Country at the beginning who is telling the story of the Princess, the feather and the missing children?

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 3: The Goal of Glory
« Reply #34 on: May 25 2006, 10:30 pm »
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Yes, it was the same guy. Which made it so painfully obvious that the culprit was Kyle-sensei... >_>

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 3: The Goal of Glory
« Reply #35 on: May 26 2006, 12:42 am »
This episode was so badly done... I cringed at so many parts.
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Syaoran being so serious at moments he should look more relaxed, Kurogane's lack of passion telling Sakura to carry on the race, the way Sakura, Mokona and Tomoyo got knocked down (I cringed then laughed cause it looked so dumb), the really really bad still graphics... I could go on but I wanna spare myself the pain of recalling them.

The only good thing was the KuroxTomo moment. The way Kurogane looked when he wanted to talk about Tomoyo-hime... it was just so cute! He looked so nervous... it was just so cuuuuute! ^^

Waiting for the next episode to load. Hopefully, it's better.

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 3: The Goal of Glory
« Reply #36 on: May 26 2006, 12:58 am »
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Agree ! The only thing I enjoy about this epi is KuroxTomo scence, I love the piano theme during their conversation ! Kawaii neh !!! >___<.  Everything was so rush up, they totally ruin Piffle >_______> GAArRHHH!!!!!!!!
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 3: The Goal of Glory
« Reply #37 on: May 26 2006, 07:07 am »
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Agree ! The only thing I enjoy about this epi is KuroxTomo scence, I love the piano theme during their conversation ! Kawaii neh !!! >___<.  Everything was so rush up, they totally ruin Piffle >_______> GAArRHHH!!!!!!!!

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Hai hai! I completely loved that scene! I'm an avid KuroxTomo fan and seeing that made me go hanyaan! I also loved how he said that he would return to his own world at the end. Kurogane was so kakkoi in that scene!