General Discussions > The "What" Board

What was the best part of your day?

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..leaving the park

-Starting my job
-getting lots of work done
-meeting some really cool people
-got a presten from my teacher
-meeting my teacher children. Once is 3 years old, and the other one is 7 days old
-The 3rd year old, is my new best friend. ^^;;

yesterday: my crush and me watching epi. 32 (at last!) in youtube n a computer rental shop that is.... not complete though.. session timed out before i even finished watching...

today: homework finished! (piece of cake! :XD:

Seeing a KuroFai scene for the next chapter of TRC

--- Quote from: .:sightless:. on July 05 2006, 12:43 pm ---today: homework finished! (piece of cake! :XD:)

--- End quote ---

Homework thingy: lucky you... :X

My karate class!! =P =P


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