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What was the best part of your day?

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--- Quote from: Zeldi on July 08 2006, 02:37 am ---Another proof of that MSLN will have a third season: MSLN S's X3

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O_O Reading that!!

staying at home...

There were 2 really good parts...

1 I wore a maid outfit that had an itsy bitsy skirt to Wal-Mart and my mother described the looks on people's faces to me. (hey, I wore leggings under it XD) She said the old ladies hated it, but almost all the guys liked it! Then we went to visit my dad in the hospital and he liked it! XD

2 My mom and I just watched Nurse Betty and it was really cute!

Recovering from the cramped arm

Downloaded TRC episode 31
and downloading TRC episode 32

--- Quote from: Heero on July 08 2006, 07:14 pm ---finally feeling more comfortable here....

--- End quote ---

^_^ Yay! Glad you do


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