General Discussions > The "What" Board

What was the best part of your day?

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watching anime all day. I don't get to do that often ^^;;


--- Quote from: Ashlee on July 31 2006, 02:24 pm ---watching anime all day. I don't get to do that often ^^;;

--- End quote ---
Same XD


--- Quote from: Ashlee on July 31 2006, 02:24 pm ---watching anime all day. I don't get to do that often ^^;;

--- End quote ---
again ^^;;

also, runing from my dad when he saw my new bathingsuit :lol: I think I scared him for life

when my grand mother finally left at lunchtime for one week of holidays and that i realized that i would be tranquil by myself this amount of time without anyone spying on me to know what i'm doing  :greengrin:

i got a new cd!!! ^_^ one which i've been dying to have for a while now. :P


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