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What was the best part of your day?

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when my boss called me to ask me if i was alright ,because it has been since the beginning of the two months of summer hoiiday that i work without a break  :keke:


--- Quote from: Arcademan on August 24 2006, 11:47 pm ---Taking the day off from work today :D

--- End quote ---
The Same (3 day weekend, yeah!)

MJ Walker:
Probably, not falling asleep in 1 and 2 period.

thinking about a dream that i had...and other things :tongue3:

when i discovered all the wonderful artworks made from Fai's splashpage on chapter 127  :keke:
(and this is just the beginning,because we have too wait a long time before chapter 128,so we have plenty times to create others masterpieces  :wink:)


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